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< Drumbeat‎ | events‎ | Festival‎ | program
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  • Contact: Alex Serra [serra.ale at gmail dot com]
  • Team: Laia & Alex
  • Hosts: Citilab
  • Proposed 'space' or theme: Local tent at the square
  • Status: Proposed


  • The main goal of this project is to open the knowledge and musical practice to everyone, through the use of digital tools and to produce innovative and interactive content with creators.

What do you want to achieve? (goal)

  • To develop a temporary space for training, creation and research where people can showcase creations, and develop the dispositives to implement new technologies applied to music teaching.
  • To convey an interest in culture, showing that knowledge can be acquired in a fun, practical and Interactive way.

Who should come? How many? For how long? (audience)

Everyone and anyone is welcomed to join.

The pedagogycal session will last no more than 40 minutes. After that the set will be open to participation.

What will they do when they get there? (activities)

  • The activity will consist in a Musiclab interactive drumbeat ;) session between Citilab and the drumbeat festival set at MACBA, leaded by a musician.
  • We will provide instruments to the audience and encourage to join the session.

What will you / they have at the end? (outputs)

Additional background and context

  • Musiclab is a virutal space of participation, innovation and interaction, designed:
  • To  generate meshes between creative and interactive music centers.
  • To provide musical education network
  • To use multimedia tools to bring the participants
  • To know the different aspects of artistic creation, management, promotion, exhibition ...

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