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Improving educational tool ecosystem.

  • Contact: Aleix Pol [aleixpol@kde.org]
  • Hosts: KDE Edu
  • Proposed 'space' or theme: No clue
  • Status: ??


Bring together educators and developers into discussing what tools are needed for properly introducing technology into the classroom day to day.

What do you want to achieve? (goal)

  • Figure out which are the most important lacks.
  • Figure out how we could improve the data sharing inside the educators community.

Who should come? How many? For how long? (audience)

  • Educators interested on improving the tools they work with.
  • Developers interested on providing solutions or to improve their own to ease sharing and fulfill the brought up requirements.

What will they do when they get there? (activities)

Mainly discuss, some educators could show up what they're using right now and display the problems they're having to start up with the discussion. Also we could discuss how to enhance the data sharing between the tools we have right now and help to ease the creation of new tools based on the current formats.

What will you / they have at the end? (outputs)

A pile of good intentions and ideas :).

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