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People to invite to Drumbeat 2010

  • Sir Ken Robinson
  • Salman Khan, Khan Academy
  • Reid Hoffman, Linked in
  • Laurie Racine, StartL
  • Bre Petis, hackerspaces
  • Mitch Kapor
  • Mimi Ito, http://www.itofisher.com/mito/
  • Gerri Sinclair
  • Howard Rheingold, http://www.rheingold.com/
  • Jessi Fischer, http://www.thesexademic.com
  • Toby Moores www.sleepydog.net/
  • Lee Bryant www.headshift.com/people/lee
  • Paul Miller, www.schoolofeverything.com
  • Charlie Leadbeater www.charlesleadbeater.net
  • Anya Kamenetz, http://diyubook.com/
  • James Wallbank access space media lab, sheffield
  • Dougald Hine www.schoolofeverything.com
  • James Shelton, US Dept of Education Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement
  • Brewster Kahle, archive.org
  • Clay Shirky
  • Lisa Chamberlain, slackonomics.com
  • Grace Llewellyn, author Teenage Liberation Handbook
  • David Wiley, Brigham Young U
  • Alec Couros, University of Regina
  • Doc Searls
  • David Weinberger
  • Parry Aftab, online safety for kids expert
  • Stephen Balkam, Family Online Safety Institute
  • David Miles, Family Online Safety Institute
  • Martha (Marty) O'Connell, Colleges that Change Lives
  • Robert Peters, author Getting What You Came For
  • Anasa Troutman, Arts and Democracy Project
  • Belinda Rawlins, Transmission Project & long time CTC expert
  • Ken Ikeda, Bay Area Video Coalition
  • Rita Pougiales, The Evergreen State College
  • Jonathan Zittrain
  • danah boyd
  • Jenny Lee, Allied Media Projects
  • Mark Horner - shuttleworth
  • Carolina Rossini - berkman
  • Delia Browne
  • Alek Tarkowski - CC poland
  • Michelle Thorne - CC
  • Andrew Rens
  • Paul Keller - cc netherlands
  • Jan-Bart de Vreede- Wikiwijs & Wikimedia
  • Ahrash Bissell
  • Carolina Botero - CC Colombia
  • Ignasi Labatista - CC Spain, OCWC
  • Fernando Fajardo, promoter and Creator of CEDUCAR Network http://www.ceducar.org/CEDUCAR/index.php
  • José Vargas - EducaMadrid jose.vargas@madrid.org
  • Juan Carlos de Martin and Cristiana Sappa - Nexa Center
  • Ismail Alí Gago - EducaMadrid ismail.ali@madrid.org
  • Renata Avila - CC Guatemala, attending OpenEd 2010
  • Angel Alonso - Aula Aragón aalonsogr@educa.aragon.es
  • Werner Westermann - werner@educalibre.cl
  • John Philip Green - LearnHub http://johnphilipgreen.com/
  • Andrew Magliozzi - FinalsClub.org andrew@finalsclub.org
  • Walter Bender, Sugar Labs http://www.sugarlabs.org/
  • Joel Spolsky - http://www.joelonsoftware.com/AboutMe.html
  • Biella Coleman - http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/faculty_bios/view/Gabriella_Coleman
  • Chris Kelty http://kelty.org/
  • [add more names]

Looking for People to Represent:

  • Free Geek
  • TED: someone on the video distribution and marketing team
  • OpenCourseWare Consortium
    • Steve Carson
    • Mary Lou Forward
  • Community College Consortium for Open Education Resources
    • Judy Baker - bakerjudy@foothill.edu
    • Molly Martin - momartin@ccsf.edu
  • The Open University in the UK
  • MIT Open Courseware
    • Steve Carson
  • Open Learning Initiative, Carnegie Mellon
    • Candice Thille
  • FORA.tv
  • Instructables
  • Make Magazine
    • Dale Dougherty
  • ReadyMade Magazine
  • Lumina Foundation
    • Suzanne Walsh
  • National Center for Academic Transformation
  • Fastweb
  • Corporation for National and Community Service
  • Idealist.org
  • Public Allies
  • Blackboard
    • Gordon Freedman
  • collegeunbound.org
  • Chicago Public Library
  • Wikipedia Public Policy Project
  • Road Trip Nation
    • Mike Marriner
  • Seneca College CDOT
  • Metareciclagiem
  • Bobbi Kurshan
  • WA State Comm Colleges
    • Cable Green
  • WikiEducator
    • Wayne Mackintosh
  • ISKME/OER Commons
    • Lisa Petrides
  • Connexions
    • Rich Baranuik
  • Wikiwijs
    • Jan Bart de Vreede
  • European Schoolnet
    • Jim Ayre
  • Ariadne
    • Erik Duval
  • LAMS
    • James Dalziel
  • NDLR
    • David Jennings - UCD Dublin david.jennings@ucd.ie
  • dScribe (U Mich)
  • Vital Signs (GMRI)
    • Sarah Kirn sarah@gmri.org
  • IDRC
  • OSI
  • eIFL
  • SELF Project
  • SURF
  • [add more names]