Engagement/Lifecycle Marketing

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Lifecycle Marketing
Team Lead: Mary Colvig Mailing List: rainbow-unicorns at mozilla.com
The Lifecycle Marketing team builds relationships with people through events, advertising, in-product communications and email to grow Firefox usage and increase understanding of Mozilla. We’re responsible for engaging audiences with what we do and why we matter; and equipping and enabling other teams to do the same.


We build relationships with people through events, advertising, in-product communications and email to grow Firefox usage and increase understanding of Mozilla.

We’re responsible for:

  • Engaging audiences with what we do and why we matter; and
  • equipping and enabling other teams to do the same.

Equipping and Enabling Other Teams

Many teams across Mozilla can benefit from hosting or sponsoring events, running advertising, messaging Firefox users within our product, or emailing key constituents. The Lifecycle Marketing (LCM) team is committed to helping your team plan and execute marketing activities in support of your goals. If you're a Mozillian and interested in this, visit our Mana page for details.