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Team Lead: John Slater Mailing List: fistbump at mozilla dot com
We communicate the story of Mozilla Firefox and our other products through visual design, copywriting, brand projects and website management.

Team Roster

Name Contact Location Project Assignments
John Slater jslater at mozilla dot com San Francisco, USA Director of Creative
Ty Flanagan tflanagan at mozilla dot com Toronto, Canada Visual Designer
Sean Martell smartell at mozilla dot com Toronto, Canada Visual Design Lead
Matej Novak mnovak at mozilla dot com Toronto, Canada Copywriter
Tara Shahian tshahian at mozilla dot com San Francisco, USA Creative Manager
Lee Tom ltom at mozilla dot com San Francisco, USA Visual Designer


Project Name Description Primary Contact
See all active design bugs.
Tara Shahian
See all active copywriting bugs.
Tara Shahian
See all active website bugs.
Laura Forrest
Projects include brand toolkit, merchandise system, outdoor campaigns and more.
John Slater

How can you get involved?

Contact Us!

  • Team Mailing List: fistbump at mozilla dot com
  • Team IRC Channel: #fistbump
  • Our design community site: Mozilla Creative Collective
  • "Office hours" for design and copywriting help coming soon


  • Firefox brand toolkit is a work in progress (slated for phase 1 launch in September 2011)