Engagement/Developer Engagement/Community blog

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Developer Engagement community blog (category)

Working title: "Engaging Developers"


To promote activity and discussion amongst the community involved in Developer Engagement at Mozilla.


Community members (staff and volunteers) involved in Developer Engagement at Mozilla. These include people who:

  • write, edit, or localize MDN content
  • contribute demos to MDN
  • contribute code to Kuma
  • put on or help with developer-oriented events
  • speak publicly about Mozilla or Web technology

Other channels for this audience include:

  • Mailing lists: engagement-developers, dev-mdc, dev-mdn, reps-general
  • IRC channels: #devrel, #mdn, #mdndev, #remo
  • Social: Evangelism Reps FB group, @mozhacks, @NewOnMDN, +Mozilla Developer Network


Types of posts that might appear on this blog include:

  • announcements of and reports about MDN doc sprints
  • periodic notices of upcoming events where community members are speaking or participating (e.g., monthly post with links to Lanyrd)
  • links to slides or videos of recent presentations
  • news about platform and infrastructure changes (e.g., Kuma)
  • posts by community members about their activities, lessons learned, etc.


  • Aim for at least one post per week.
  • Create a public editorial calendar.


Managing Editor: Janet Swisher


  • Developer Engagement staff as needed
  • Developer Engagement volunteers as needed
  • Guest posters as appropriate?