Engagement/Developer Engagement/DevPulse/Oct2014

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Welcome to the 8th edition of DevPulse: a monthly glance at stuff happening among and for developers, sourced by many. Our goal is to create greater transparency and collaboration around the various efforts at Mozilla to support mobile, web & app developers.

Developer world news

  • Mozillian Rabimba Karanjai was awarded a Loft Video Game Innovation Fellowship from the Entertainment Software Association, for his Firefox OS game MathRacer. As a result, he visited Washington DC in October along with other Loft Innovation Fellows to meet with representatives from Congress and the White House interested in games in STEM education. Rabimba reports that his game generated a lot of interest, especially from teachers who want to use it in classrooms, and from three members of Congress. Many thanks to Michael Shal for loaning Rabimba a Flame device to use in his demos.
  • They say imitation is the best form of flattery, so the team was very flattered to see Microsoft on UserVoice asking for feedback on its IE platform (in case you missed it: Mozilla has been there collecting and acting on feedback on our dev tools and the web platform for several months).
  • HTML5 mobile works! Next time someone questions the efficacy of HTML5 on mobile, point them to this
  • Evangelist Chris Heilmann was featured in a podcast for open source marketplace Binpress, discussing all kinds of things about Mozilla, his career, the future of the mobile web and how to be a nice person online.
  • Contributor Benjamin Kerensa shared about Firefox OS and Mozilla with FOSS Force.

App & Web Developer Perspectives

  • Firefox OS it is! When Sony stopped pushing updates to their Xperia SP model, community efforts began to fill the gap with Firefox OS.
  • If you are a web developer, we're curious to know what services you use, or would use if you had better access. Please fill out this short survey by October 7.

Project & Event Highlights

  • The tools team launched a cross-platform debugging tool called Adapter. It got lots of great press coverage. Go forth and cross platforms!
  • Some people were asking for a useful resource for external Firefox OS app development-related tools, libraries, etc., so Chris Mills aka The Fixer decided to make one. Feel free to add other tools, or give him suggestions for other useful stuff to add.
  • Speaking of resources, we have a developer channel on YouTube! This includes a playlist of all of our Firefox Developer Tools videos.
  • And speaking of videos, Ali Spivak and Janet Swisher are creating the MDN video channel, which will host a series of 15-20 minute conference-quality deep technical presentations that community members can use as centerpieces for local developer meetups, supported by the content from the associated "Topic in a Box."
  • Evangelist Frédéric Harper was in Mexico to share the love about Firefox OS at the Congreso Universitario Móvil. During his one-day presence at the event, Fred was busy: he did an one hour keynote, one hour Q&A session, led a three-hour workshop, and conducted three media interviews. The takeaway? The Mexican community is eager to see more involvement from Mozilla in their country!
  • The Flame Reference phone has a new dist list. Sign up to get the latest on new builds and other relevant Flame news.

"Geekery" Highlights

  • Don't miss Robert Nyman's presentation on mobile trends & opportunities for developers - chock full of great market stats.
  • Ever wonder how our lower-memory smart phones work? Learn the details of how these devices handle memory management on Hacks.

Engaging with Developers Together