Engagement/Developer Engagement/Evangelism Meetings/2012-05-03

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-webkit prefix situation

South America re-cap / post mortem

  • what worked? what didn't?


  • AT&T bootstrap week mobile apps dev program ( PDF Proposal )
    • online program, should be able to handle participation
  • proposal for monthly B2G hack events partnered with Telefonica
    • already doing a few:
      • May 20th - London Office
      • May 20th - JSConf in Buenos Aires
      • May 27 - Polyglot in Vancouver
      • June 26th - OSBridge, Portland
      • Sept - WAC / DT Hack Days in Berlin ( proposed )

B2G & Gaia

  • Discuss issues around phones, etc.
  • Update on the dicussions with the Gaia team about easily getting apps onto B2G devices (Rob)

Work Weeks

  • which ones should we attend?
  • upcoming:
    • Jetpack, last week in August
    • B2G - next week, also possibly one last week of August
      • some discussion of moving this to Brazil to coincide with BrazilJS


  • Jeff Griffiths
  • Christie Koehler
  • Christian Heilmann
  • Rob Hawkes
  • Joe Stagner
  • Tristan Nitot
  • Robert Nyman
  • Havi Hoffman
  • Stormy Peters


Notes for the evangelism team meeting - May 3rd, 2012


-webkit prefix situation

  • Tantek statements
  • Who makes the actual decision?
  • Twitter comments like this: https://twitter.com/#!/potch/status/197858688772472837
  • Basically: if we are supposed to handle developer relations but aren't kept in the loop, this will not work
  • CH: let's remember this is not yet a mainstream issue in the dev community
  • Encouraging that Lawrence is involved and it is being treated as an investigation (Note that Jean-Yves from the MDN team has been involved.)
  • Stormy: has escalated to press, it is still off their radar
  • Individual opinions from 'spokespeople vs Mozilla official position
  • So much arguing!!!

South America re-cap / post mortem

  • what worked? what didn't?
  • need more time between cities - a city every other day is too much
  • can't rely on outreach from community in cities
    • more organized marketing
    • things like conflicting events and not getting word out to all communities
  • in Santiago & Montevideo - lightning talks were really good
  • need to set context - what is Mozilla? etc. Introductory talk
  • language issues, presentations that were in Spanish was really good, use that as a criteria in the future
  • Some candidates interested in Speaker Reps (some of the feedback was they didn't want to travel for training)


  • AT&T bootstrap week mobile apps dev program ( PDF Proposal )
    • online program, should be able to handle participation
  • proposal for monthly B2G hack events partnered with Telefonica
    • already doing a few:
      • May 7 - B2G community meeting (Santiago Hollmann, Jeff will attend)- B2G team needs testers
      • May 12th - London Office
      • May 20th - JSConf in Buenos Aires (Hernan Colmeiro will talk about B2G)
      • May 27 - Polyglot in Vancouver
      • June 26-29th - OSBridge, Portland
      • Sept - WAC / DT Hack Days in Berlin ( proposed )

B2G & Gaia

  • Discuss issues around phones, etc.
  • Update on the dicussions with the Gaia team about easily getting apps onto B2G devices (Rob)
    • Rob will write cool tool to push an app to a phone – and write a blog post on it

Work Weeks

B2G Work Week, Last Week of August

  • which ones should we attend?
  • upcoming:
    • Jetpack, last week in August
    • B2G - next week, also possibly one last week of August
      • some discussion of moving this to Brazil to coincide with BrazilJS

Telefonica: looking for open web phone evangelist for the UK Cebit: vm running phone running Dual booting phones with android & B2G - need to investigate this as it Last event: TXJS Sponsorship? June 14, Austin

    • Brendan and James Burke are attending
    • What is the value in a sponsorship?
    • We're going to pass