Engagement/Developer Engagement/Evangelism Meetings/2012-05-17

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Mobile Website Evangelism

  • Stormy: Need to move now, there's an expectation that Developer engagement will lead outreach to key websites, since in the past our team played that role.
  • Jean-Yves has represented us on cross-functional team, but we need to get more involved
  • Many important websites don't work well w/Fennec on Android
  • There is a cross-functional team mtg at 9am on Thurs, Stormy has shared the invite and will attend today's.
  • John Jensen has done a lot of research and analysis on common problems
  • Chris H: Can we use Blizzard's template to generate contributors to the effort? (a la "Army of Awesome)
  • What is the msg we take to big companies about what they have to fix? - we have one shot to get their attention, what do we say? How do we help them fix it?
  • The JS dev community thinks this is a problem too: http://brian.io/slides/debug-mobile/#/
  • Contributing causes: We were late deciding on a UserAgent string
  • Related issues: B2G is running a different version of FF than Fennec on Android

Event Updates

  • Chris H: Nuclear reactor hack day in Sweden. Loves the site. Signal is good, radiation is not an issue.
  • Open source hack day in London. Date?
  • May 27: Vancouver office will host hack day.
  • Brazil: FISL hack day (w/Telefonica) & BrazilJS
  • Lots more event action & coordination w/Telefonica/Blue Via on hack events
  • June 1-2: Over the Air (London) - Telefonica & us
  • Next steps: shared slide about our collaboration (Mozifonica? Telezilla?)
  • Dev-events announcement/PSA at upcoming Mozilla weekly meeting: Shez

Engagement Team Work Week

  • Tues May 22- Thurs May 24: Santa Cruz
  • anything we need to prepare?
  • think about goals: basecamp, kilimanjaro, fennec
  • iterative goal-setting on a team by team basis
  • planned evening events on Mon-Wed


  • Jeff
  • Christian
  • Ali
  • Stormy
  • Barry
  • Havi


Notes for the evangelism team meeting - May 17th, 2012 https://etherpad.mozilla.org/evangelism-meeting-5-17-2012