Engagement/Developer Engagement/Evangelism Meetings/2012-06-14

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2012 Goals Walkthrough

Event Updates

  • Brazil: FISL (July 25-28, 2012) sponsorship locked. details in progress
  • Apps Hack Day for Interns in Mtn View (July 7)
  • Mozcamp EU, Warsaw, Poland - Sept 8-9
  • On Game Start: Warsaw Poland Sept 19-21
  • ConFSL - Ancona, Italy: Marco Castelluccio, Dev Derby winner and Apps on Ubuntu contributor will attend
  • Nodeconf - speaker Jed Parsons (Persona)

Action Items


  • Jeff
  • Chris
  • Joe
  • Shezmeen
  • Havi
  • Tristan
  • Stormy


We walked through the Dev Engage 2012 goals document. Here are some notes and action items from the discussion:

  • Fennec: Chris will talk to some of the mobile frameworks providers when he's in SF in late June.
    • Frameworks agreements w/jquery mobile, YUI mobile - high priority/probability
  • 100 Apps:
    • We should track via smart sheet and include all leads/developers we've touched
    • Joe has interacted w/109 companies re: Apps
    • What's a quality, relevant app: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/apps-quality (Havi)
    • Meetup in Sao Paulo as well as Porto Alegre in July, Jeff & Shez will investigage.
    • FISL attendees from devengage: Shez, Jeff, Christian, Ali, Sheppy
    • Docs plan for Basecamp/BR - Ali will drive
    • Who will drive the hardware plan
    • Games opportunities: Rob is talking to folks from Dev Ecosystem & Gladius about frameworks for 2D games
  • Evangelism reps training: Shez & Christian
    • Speaker training, demo training, resources
    • Session when Chris is here (TBD)
  • Fennec outreach to broken sites: ideas of ways to scale
    • developer engagement list for help
    • Mobile FF add-on for reporting broken sites - create a bug to track
    • Mobile add-ons as a Fennec differentiator: past history is discouraging
    • Jeff is investigating technical issues of mobile add-ons
    • Fennec add-on github repo
  • Hiring update: Stormy
    • Many interviews and great candidate for websites PM

Notes for the evangelism team meeting - June 14, 2012 https://etherpad.mozilla.org/evangelism-meeting-6-14-2012