Engagement/Developer Engagement/Evangelism Meetings/2012-06-28

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2012 Personal & Team Goals

Event Updates

  • Brazil: FISL (July 25-28)
  • Campus Party Recife Brazil (July 26-30) Christian Heilmann and John Hammink presenting
  • Apps Hack Day for Interns in Mtn View (July 7)
  • Mozcamp EU, Warsaw, Poland - Sept 8-9
  • On Game Start: Warsaw Poland Sept 19-21
  • ConFSL - Ancona, Italy: Marco Castelluccio, Dev Derby winner and Apps on Ubuntu contributor will attend
  • Nodeconf - speaker Jed Parsons (Persona)

Action Items


  • Shezmeen
  • Havi
  • Tristan
  • Stormy
  • Ali
  • Joe


Thank you to everyone that joined the call today!

Q2 Goal Achievement:

  • We reached most of our goals and Kuma is close. Kudos to Ali for driving that project.
  • Staircase App was a helpful to collect statuses collaborate on information.
  • Smartsheet and wiki will be updated.

Q3 Goals:

Discussion about the 50 new Evangelism/Writers/Localizer Reps goal. Consensus was that it would be better to have a few less, but really engage them.

1. New goal to have 29 new reps:

  • 12 writers who have submitted articles
  • 12 evangelism reps signed up OR given one public talk
  • 5 LatAm translators who have made contributions to MDN

2. B2G & Apps basic docs - written in English (Ali)

3. Commitments from 3 mobile frameworks (Christian)

4. 100% outreach to mobile sites broken in Fennec/in non-webkit browsers (Ali)

Everyone is asked to bring their Q3 personal goals to their next 1:1 with Stormy. Looking at adding personal goals to the Smartsheet.

Evangelism Reps Training Update:</b?>

  • First training took place in SF on June 26 - very successful.
  • 11 new reps got training
  • Discussion with Dia (speaker coach) about training curriculum and milestones. Training will include:
    • Product/demo training
    • Media/how to handle press
    • On-going mentoring
    • 1:1's

MDN Calendar of Events:

Promoting Beyond the Code Blog (Twitter/SEO):

  • Tristan asked for tips on how to promote the blog and Havi was able to give insight and suggestions.

Speaker Request Process:

  • Discussing new process for managing speaker requests with PR.
  • New hire named Mike Manning to work with speaker database.
  • DevEngage will still be involved for developer events. Weekly status call.
  • More info to come.

Boot to Gecko Hardware Acquisition Program:

  • Julie Choi will be coming on board as a contractor to help us with getting B2G hardware into the hands of the right developers.
  • Team is asked to provide feedback or refer to the email sent regarding Julie's role.
  • Welcome Julie!

Next Meeting: July 12, 2012 Facilitator: Rob Hawks (thanks!)

Notes for the evangelism team meeting - June 28, 2012 https://etherpad.mozilla.org/NzR60go8T8