Engagement/Developer Engagement/Evangelism Meetings/2012-07-12

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  • Apps Challenge proposal (Havi)
  • Introducing Julie Choi (she will help Rock Your Firefox OS)
  • Fennec evangelism (Chris)
    • Outreach to JavaScript library producers
    • Developer survey on usage stats of libraries
    • Working with Q&A and the mobile team
  • Facebook opportunities (Chris)
  • What do we want from Firefox OS to make happy DevEngagers? (Rob)
    • Stable / reliable demo builds? For SGS2?
    • Better insight into why builds seem to dramatically change or break day to day?
  • Jeff ( addendum )
  • Boot to Gecko status for tomorrow's meeting
  • Personal goals & metrics
  • Find a mediator for the next meeting

Action Items

  • Last call for this month's about:Hacks
  • Recommendations for Invitations to the AppCache Summit


  • Jeff
  • Rob
  • Chris
  • Joe
  • Barry
  • Shez
  • Havi
  • Stormy
  • Julie
  • Ali
