Engagement/Developer Engagement/Meetings/2012-02-16

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  • Goals
  • Communication about decisions (re prefixes)
  • Growing community
  • NYC planning


Want to have one or two big hairy audacious goals.

For example: Have Mozilla represented at every developer event that happens this year.

The point is, the paid staff of our team can't do this, so we need to grow our community in order to accomplish it.

This is really hard. Easy to dive into tactics instead.

  • Big, awesome, community inspiring
  • Be at all developer events
  • Brian King, India
  • What do FOSDEM folks do the rest of the year
  • Community doc sprints
  • Be the go-to guys for any web questions
  • Top 100 developers, badge, sign manifesto
  • Move Hacks from implementing in Firefox to open web
  • Make Mozilla not Firefox
  • More about open web not about our brand
  • M. is coming to the NYC event, proto-evangelist rep. Goal: financially and otherwise support folks to speak about the open web
    • Goal to get as many people as possible out to speak at local events
    • Scale mission without scaling team. Mozillian. Army of contributors
  • Goal: increase community involvement. How do we do it? Evangelism & Writing. Contributing to MDN and speaking about mission. How do you find a measure that's not easily gameble.
  • Web experts, open web experts
  • Local heros to speak at our events

Communication about decisions


  • We weren't part of the conversation and it wasn't communicated to us.
  • Learned about it from reading interviews of Tantek
  • No official announcement on our blog
  • what & when, Mark Finkle
  • Christian will work with Finkle, Tantek and Blizzard to get something posted on Hacks about what we are doing and why
  • Microsoft/Opera
    • how can we do outreach around vendor prefix
    • Microsoft said they'd support -webkit like 1.5 years ago
  • Proposal:
    • code examples that support all browsers
    • Reach out to PMM
    • Where hosted? Christian suggested MDN

Growing the Community

  • Move updates to public list: engagement-developers@lists.mozilla.org (31 members, 17 not paid staff on our team)
  • Heads up that we are doing this to the list

NYC Planning


  • 20 minute ( + questions ) talks on different topics: mdn, games, apps, browserID, mobile, add-ons, webfwd?
    • mdn: jeremie
    • games: rob hawkes
    • add-ons: jeff
    • webfwd: havi?
    • browserId?
    • mobile?
    • APIs?


  • hacks blog post ( Havi )
  • help from mozillians to promo: jsocol, jess klein, jason haas, atul? etc


  • airport transportation / cab-pooling / trains / van services
  • need to gather arrival times / airports and make logical groupings
  • need to investigate ground transportation from La Guardia


  • Janet
  • Christian
  • Eric
  • Jeff
  • Jean-Yves
  • Stormy
  • Havi
  • John K
  • Robert N
  • Barry
  • Tristan
  • Will


  • Rob H
  • Shez
  • Joe S