Engagement/Developer Engagement/Mozilla Developer Program

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Mozilla Developer Program (MDP)

Owners: Robert Nyman, Stormy Peters

Status: Living document, subject to on-going revision and status updates.

Feedback: If you have good ideas and would like to contribute to the Developer Program and its activities, or you believe that your team should involved in a certain part, please feel free to reach out directly to Robert: robert [at] mozilla [dot] com


Enable, inspire and collaborate to make the Web the primary platform used to create experiences across all connected devices.

The Mozilla Developer Program (MDP) is aimed at building long-term relationships with developers, to include and introduce them in what we do and act as a complement specifically to our Evangelism, MDN and the Firefox Marketplace. It is about tying together our developer facing efforts, and it also exists to continue the work for the Mozilla mission, inspiring people to use open standards no matter which platform they work on.

We want to help introduce developers to open web technologies, inspire them to contribute and help them out with their endeavours. The idea is also to cater to developers looking for something to sign up for and belong to, which is especially important in the mobile world.

In the short to medium term, we seek to:

  • Set a base number of features
  • Identify developer needs
  • Work iteratively in bringing features and possibilities to developers to help them choose Open Web technologies


By Developer Type

  • HTML5 Developers:
    • HTML5 Game Developers
  • Mobile App Developers: iPhone & Android app developers with an interesting in porting apps and learning the web
  • Web Developers: General web developers unfamiliar with HTML5 specifics/or mobile app UX who can be encouraged to build quality apps and more


  • Unifying content and developer-focused offerings in a Content Zone on MDN
  • Engaging directly in Q&A and forums with developers
  • Offering a membership, for free
  • Newsletter subscription
  • Evaluating data and features that will help developers choosing the web

Participants & Stakeholders

Developer Engagement Team (Stormy Peters)

  • Technical Evangelism team (Mark Coggins)
  • Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) team (Ali Spivak)
  • Developer Program (Robert Nyman)
  • Engineering (Luke Crouch)
  • Contributors from the Global Mozilla community
    • Localizers
    • Speakers, community leaders and evangelism reps

Developer Tools

  • Developer Tools (Dave Camp, Jeff Griffiths)

Apps & Marketplace

  • Apps & (Bill Walker, Fred Wenzel)


The Mozilla Developer Program consists of (subject to change over time):

Activities by Phase

The idea is to describe the activities and roadmap for the Developer Program by phase. It also means that started phases will most likely continue running while in parallel with moving into new phases, e.g. membership, Q&A interaction and more.

Initially, the main initial group we're targeting is mobile developers who are developing for the mobile web as the first target, and help them with support, information and more about Firefox OS and the Open Web on mobile in general. This means developers who are:

  • Porting apps to HTML5
  • Building partial native/hybrid apps through PhoneGap and similar solutions
  • Offering the full mobile web experience, through Firefox OS or responsive HTML5 web sites

I. Create the Developer Program


  • Technical Evangelism participation in Q&A initiatives
  • MDN engineering team

Anticipated Start Time

  • Started


Activity Owner Date/Link to Details
Creating content in a Content Zone on MDN Robert Nyman, Chris Mills DONE: Developer Program on MDN, Bug 918127
Launching Q&A on Stack Overflow. Three tags sponsored by Mozilla: firefox, firefox-os, html5-apps. Manning by Firefox OS Evangelists, community members and any Mozillian Robert Nyman, Mark Coggins DONE: Mozilla's landing page on Stack Overflow
Integrate Q&A in the MDN Content Zone. Offer search capabilities and listing latest questions through the Stack Exchange API Luke Crouch, Robert Nyman DONE: Bug 932705
Offer a Developer Program membership. Initially this will be a MDN account - long-term plan is one account for all developer phasing web sites (see phase 2 below) Luke Crouch, Robert Nyman Ongoing: Bug 932707
Include latest Mozilla Hacks posts in the Content Zone Luke Crouch, Robert Nyman DONE: Bug 932717
Offering a newsletter Robert Nyman, Havi Hoffman Newsletter exists. Rebranding a matter of publich launch (Bug 932716).
Newsletter opt-in/sign-up as part of registering/editing a MDN account Luke Crouch, Robert Nyman DONE: Bug 932707, Bug 936123
Integrate Where is Mozilla? in the Content Zone Luke Crouch, Robert Nyman DONE: Bug 935712
Soft launch the Developer Program. The idea is to have above activities in place, and publicly available, by early December, to coincide with the MDN redesign launch. However, a stronger public push and marketing efforts belong to phase 2 (see below). Robert Nyman Ongoing: Bug 932711

II. Membership offerings


  • MDN Engineering team

Anticipated Start Time

  • January 2014


Activity Owner Date/Link to Details
Developer Profiles on on MDN Robert Nyman, Luke Crouch Ongoing:
Badges on MDN Robert Nyman, Luke Crouch, Christie Koehler Ongoing:
Localization offer for translating Apps Robert Nyman Planned.
External push for the Developer Program, with associated marketing activities. Sakina Groth, Robert Nyman, Stormy Peters Idea phase.

III. Broadening the offering


  • Technical Evangelism
  • MDN
  • Market research
  • Identity team
  • Marketplace & AMO Engineering team

Anticipated Start Time

  • Q1 2014


Activity Owner Date/Link to Details
Single sign-on for MDN, Marketplace and AMO Lloyd Hilaeil, Luke Crouch, Wil Clouser, Robert Nyman Ongoing: Bug 933031
One central place for account administration. This could be owned by the Identity team, with possible site-specific preference to complement that. Lloyd Hilaeil, Luke Crouch, Wil Clouser, Robert Nyman Ongoing: Bug 933031
Information about consumer needs (“I need an app for that”) Robert Nyman Idea phase.
Partnerships (Universities, Code for America etc) Robert Nyman, Bill Walker, Fred Wenzel Idea phase.
Local data offerings Robert Nyman, Market Research Idea phase.
Evaluating events for Developer Program members Robert Nyman Idea phase.
Help & rewards. Where a developer/localizer could, as a token of appreciation, get a support ticket with an engineer. Robert Nyman Idea phase.