Engagement/Developer Engagement/Technical Evangelism/Technical Meetups

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Technical Meetups

Proposed program structure


Primary: Drive mind-share for open web technologies by giving local community members technical knowledge needed to talk to web developers.

Secondary: Grow community in Technical Evangelism.


a.k.a "Meetup in a Box" (MUIAB)

Meetup content packages

A content package for a meetup covers an API, tool, or technique of interest to Web/app developers and of strategic value to Mozilla. It has these elements:

  • An outline (optionally slides) of points to be covered in presenting the topic
  • [Link to] a Hacks post on this topic
  • [Link to] a screencast or live demo showing the API/tool/technique; screencasts can reside on air.mozilla
    • These can be created by SMEs (staff or volunteers), depending on the topic
    • We need to provide SMEs with a framework (questions to cover) and tools (for screencasts), to make content-creation relatively easy.
    • Use Moderator for Q&A between SMEs and meetup participants
  • [Link to] a code project that can be used to demo the API/tool/technique
  • A script for demoing the project
  • Questions or points for further discussion
  • (Optional) Exercises for engaging with the topic (e.g., “Change the demo project so it does X. How do you handle Y?”)
  • (Optional) Links to relevant MDN articles

The collection of meetup content packages can be implemented as a Github repository, so that meetup organizers can easily improve and update existing packages, and add new ones. We can create a template for the file structure and certain files, to ensure that packages are created in a consistent way. We can use the built-in mechanisms of Github for raising, discussing and fixing issues with any meetup packages.

An initial set of packages can be created for launch, based on needs we collect from meetup organizers, leveraging existing content (articles, code, and screencasts) from the Hacks blog, where available, or developing new content if needed.

We can also use Github to track Hacks posts that could be leveraged as a meetup package, and allocate the work to flesh them out, among both staff and volunteers.

Content project

  • Contractor to set up MUIAB structure and initial topics
  • Initial topics based on existing Hacks content and community requests
  • Set up framework for SMEs
  • Requirements
    • Instructional design familiarity (use learning objectives for each topic)
    • Web/JS skillz
    • Github skillz

Event Guide

Add an SOP to the Reps wiki for how to run a developer meetup. For example, here's how a local community leader might use meetup content packages.

Prior to the meetup

  • Review the content package and all supporting materials.
  • Download the demo project, and play with it until they feel comfortable demoing it.
  • Download the screencast, so they can play it locally if all else fails.
  • (Optional) Fork the content package and translate it into their local language.

During the meetup

  • Present the topic, including a live demo; use the screencast if needed.
  • Lead the group in a discussion of the topic, or an exercise with the demo project.

After the meetup

  • Submit issues for any problems they encountered with the package.
  • Submit pull requests for any changes they made to the package.


  • Use Reps for process and disbursement
  • Channel budget to Reps ($1000/mo)
  • Swag

Community of Organizers

  • Use Evangelism@ mailing list
  • Give feedback on content
  • Sharing best practices