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What and Where is eLiberatica?

eLiberatica is the annual Open Source and Free Software conference which was initiated by a group of IT enthusiasts (ROSI) that evolved now in an on growing community formatted around the event (The eLiberatica Community) in partnership with Agora Media. eLiberatica will take place on 22nd and 23rd of May, at University Politehnica of Bucarest, Romania.

Mozilla Event at eLiberatica

From the beginning of this conference Mozilla has been present through speakers like Zak Greant, Brian Behlendorf, David Ascher, Brian King. This year, Mozilla will be represented by a young enthusiast team which shares the same interests for: open web, open source, web innovation. We will have various sessions at our booth, all, meant to introduce participants into Mozilla Ecosystem, to help them understand Mozilla Mission and also, to help them discover more about latest Mozilla Technologies.


1st Day, Friday, 22 of May

Time Slot Booth Events Plenary Speech - AN010
09:00 - 09:45 WELCOME. Mozilla Mission. What is Open Web?
11:30 - 12:00 Firefox 3.5 and Thunderbird 3. Help session
15:00 - 15:30 Zbigniew Braniecki - Mozilla Pragmatics and Poetry
17:10 - 18:00 William Quiviger - How Universities could help Mozilla.

2nd Day, Saturday, 23 of May

Time Slot Booth Events Plenary Speech - AN010
09:00 - 09:45 Mozilla Labs and Open Innovation
11:30 - 12:00 Hacking Mozilla
14:00 - 14:15 Alina Mierlus - Building and Developing Local Communities


Welcome. Mozilla mission. What is Open Web?

We are looking forward to meet you at Mozilla Booth. In these first sessions, you are invited to discover Mozilla Ecosystem and to know which is Mozilla's mission. The Mozilla Crew will help you to better understand how Mozilla is supporting Open Web and what Open Web is? Also, we are waiting for you with a lot of goodies.

Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and Thunderbird 3 - what's new? Help session

You are invited to take your coffee with Mozilla Crew members and to discuss about the new features in Firefox 3.5 and Thunderbird 3. We are preparing a special "Help session" for you. If you have problems with Firefox browser or Thunderbird mail client when installing or configuring it, or you simply would like to know which add-ons can help you for a better experience of your browser, you are welcomed at our Booth.

William Quiviger - Promoting the Mozilla project on University Campuses

Mozilla's EU Community Marketing Manager will give a presentation "Mozilla EU Campus Reps" a program Mozilla's marketing is working on to encourage university sutdents who are passionate about open source to promote Mozilla products on campus and recruit new volunteers to join the Mozilla project . All students and professors who are interested in knowing more about the program are invited to parcipate. Moreover, after the presentation there will be a brainstorming session where students, professors and Mozillians can come with their own ideas for the program.

Mozilla Labs and Open Innovation

At this session you are invited to discover the Concept Series Program. Ecaterina Valică will be at our Booth in order to explain to interested people about her experience at Concept Series Challenge. You can also find more about Labs Projects (Ubiquity, Prism, Personas, Wave), play and install them. For those who may be interested, Alexandru Szasz and Toni Hermoso Pulido will be there to discuss about Romanian translation of Ubiquity as well.

Hacking Mozilla

Are you a developer and do you want to build Mozilla extension? In this 30 minutes session, two experienced developers, Anca and Jerome, who have been working with Mozilla Tehnologies, will be there to explain you how doing this.


Mozilla Crew

  • Also, Anca Paula Luca (a Romanian web developer), Ecaterina Valica (Member of the Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction SIGCHI – Romanian branch (RoCHI) and "Best in Class" Innovation at Concept Series Challenge), Jerome Velociter (Open Source Software Developer, XWiki Romanian Branch) joins Mozilla Crew to explain their experiences with Mozilla Technologies.