Festival2011/Playing with Real-Time Web Technology

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  • In this session we can cover a brief history of the realtime web with a focus on web browser technology.
  • Where we are with the technology now
  • We’ll build a web app without leaving your web browser and show a number of ways of doing this. The IDE redefined (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment).
  • We’ll connect, subscribe and display realtime data within a web page. We’ll do this using Pusher (http://pusher.com) but the techniques are applicable to many realtime web technologies; client and server.
  • Browser, UI and UX considerations when using and displaying realtime data in a web page
  • How to publish data from a web page/app

Skills Needed

Basic JavaScript, HTML and maybe a bit of CSS.

Post-Event Participation

Each attendee will be able to take away the code they write and continue to develop it.


Realtime, WebSockets, JavaScript, WebDev

Relevant links

EtherPad for the session to take notes and collaborate