Festival2011/We Don't Need No Stinkin Badges…or do we?

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Learning happens everywhere and open badges can help us capture that learning. (Check us here: http://openbadges.org ) Learn about and discuss digital badges, consider assessment, share your thoughts. Information sharing What does success look like? How can we get there?

Who should come? Academics, educators, students, designers, business people, anyone interested in learning about and discussing badges, badge systems and the Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI).

NOTE: Most Open Badges related scheduling is located here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Festival2011/openbadges

Skills Needed

Interest in badges, no tech skills are needed but they are welcome.

Post-Event Participation

Please share your thoughts about the session here: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/openbadges-mozfest

Also, visit us on Twitter: @cc_open @eknight @brianloveswords


  1. #openbadges #dmlbadges

Relevant links

Please use this etherpad: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/openbadges-mozfest

Visit us here: http://openbadges.org

EtherPad for the session to take notes and collaborate