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Jan Odvarko, Mike Rennie, Sebastian Zartner, Steven Roussey

Firebug 1.8

  • 1.8.4 released (compatible with Firefox 9, already passed the review process)

Firebug 1.9

  • 1.9b1 on Friday
  • List of 1.9 blockers
    • Pick 1.9 blockers from the issue list and make sure they are fixed before 1.9 final.
    • Extension developers should report any existing problems.
  • Planning:
    • E10s deprioritized by Mozilla so, not a priority for Firebug now.
    • We can start picking issues that should be fixed in 1.10 (mark as blocks-1.10)
    • Steve will post some Extension API problems on FWG
  • Priorities
    • Automated Testing
    • JSD2?
    • HTTP Network Monitoring based on Remote Debugging Protocol
    • Activation (create new instance of Firebug for every tab? - Explicit activation. Build automated activation on top of it? Perhaps in Firebug 2.0?

Last Week

  • Known Net panel timings fixed.
  • Domplate inheritance tweaking
  • Memory leaks, some references to the page document found and fixed, but no big memory leak found.


  • Needs to be done: activation problem, Honza will test remotely with the reporter, issue 4875: Firebug is active in unnecessary tab, put "I found a bug" into the report.
  • Honza: Documentation needed "Reset All Firebug Options"
  • New Feature by Sebastian: Issue 3071: Display sample of WOFF file inside Net Panel
  • Honza: Still needs to be done: Documentation for Firebug.registerExtension function. Perhaps a blog post about how to create a Firebug extension based on AMD and RequireJS.

Firebug Swarms

  • No progress this week
