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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


pascal, jcristau, Aryx, RyanVM, telin, bridget, roland, kbrosnan, overholt, Tania

Schedule Update

  • 77.0 shipped today at 25%
    • throttled at 0% after 3 hours
  • 68.9.0 ESR shipped today at 100%
  • Fennec 68.9.0 shipped today at 25%
  • 78.0b1 shipped today at 25%

Desktop Stability


mc2 crash rate: 1.75 (-4%), crash incidence: 1.94% (+8%), mc1 summary score: 4.50


mc2 crash rate: 1.59 (+2%), crash incidence: 1.50% (+9%), mc1 summary score: 35.07

Early data for 78.0b1


mc2 crash rate: 1.38 (-1%), crash incidence: 1.04% (-2%), mc1 summary score: 2.09

Mobile Stability


  • Crash rate is calculated based on usage hours (the time Firefox is actively used).
  • Usage hours will be significantly lower on Fennec than on desktop Firefox, so we can't compare mobile rates to desktop rates.




  • PI Request deadline for 79: June 5

Aurora / Dev Edition



Action items

Feature Status Review

  • Building out the Nightly Feature list for Fx79
  • [challenged] [off train] ETP: Cookie Restrictions: List 2 is in a holding pattern until the week of June 19th. Collecting data and waiting to see how that aligns with Googles information.
  • "Firefox Extension preference storage and sync" late for 78, requires uplifts

SUMO Report

  • [roland] nothing to report as of 830am

Roundtable & Special Topics

Post-Mortem (Tues 2wks from GA Release)