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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


jcristau, abodea, sflorean, csasca, ebalazs, ajoltan, atrif, obotisan, phorea, RyanVM, bmaris, tbabos, btot, hyacoub, lapahidean, mboldan, Aryx, aflorinescu, sbadau

Schedule Update

  • Thursday channel meeting now at 7:30am PT due to conflicts
  • Next week's "Tuesday" channel meeting will be on Monday September 21 instead, also due to conflict (just that week). Still 10am PT
  • 81.0 build2 on the beta channel
  • fenix 81 at 5% on the production track
  • Fenix & Focus builds coming soon with GV81 RC2 build
  • 82 soft freeze started today

Desktop Stability


mc2 crash rate: , crash incidence: %, mc1 summary score: 5.04


mc2 crash rate: , crash incidence: %, mc1 summary score: 4.29

  • No changes from Tuesday.


mc2 crash rate: , crash incidence: %, mc1 summary score: 1.85

  • No changes from Tuesday.
  • Nothing concerning in RC2 data so far.

Mobile Stability


  • 81b4 and b5 are looking much better for crashes largely to due to disabling features
  • Easy to hit crash on nightly for PWA users
  • Stefan is looking at getting a better process around building beta builds
    • Feature freezing on the beta cut over
    • Weekly beta builds
  • GV is looking around the process of upgrading the GV version on nightly to resolve the mutilday GV version freezes




  • Pre-Merge Nightly Regression Testing for Fx82 - round2 - results will be added on trello today EOD (probably a YELLOW)
    • Bug 1665351 - is considered with major impact (causing a flash plugin/browser crash when trying to run the adbode flash player on Nightly 82 with 32-bit builds)

Aurora / Dev Edition



[ajoltan] Firefox 81.1.1-beta.3 & 4 signed off with status [RED] Firefox 81.1.1-beta.5 signed off with status [GREEN] Firefox RC 81.1.0-rc.1 signed off with status [GREEN]

Action items

Feature Status Review

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

[adrian:] 81 Topsites move to Remote Settings is kinda'of(in the sense of the main reasoning for pushing this to 81) blocked by

Post-Mortem (Tues 2wks from GA Release)

  • Fx79 & Fx80 PMs will happen on Monday, 21-Sep along with the rescheduled Tuesday Channel Meeting