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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


pascal, tania, RyanVM, Aryx, telin, JR, dveditz

Schedule Update

  • 90.0.2 shipped on July 22 at 100%
  • No dot release planned
  • 91.0b8 shipping tomorrow
  • Next week is RC week
  • Fenix 91 beta 4 shipped yesterday at 100%

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

Desktop Stability


mc2 crash rate: 2.06 (-0.50 compared to previous week), crash incidence: 1.91% (+0.45pp)

mc1 crash rate 4.21 crashes/1k usage hours (+0.52)


mc2 crash rate: 2.01 (-0.07), crash incidence: 1.59% (-0.04pp)

mc1 crash rate 3.66 (-0.98)


mc2 crash rate: 1.50 (-0.18), crash incidence: 0.97% (-0.10pp)

mc1 crash rate: 1.90 (-0.20)

Mobile Stability




  • Kick-offs are happening this week
  • 4 PI tickets related to MR 1.1 got dropped/moved to next release
  • [PI-1065] SmartBlock Phase 3 - technical document is missing, kick-off meeting scheduled for July 28th
  • [PI-1123] Make the certificate error pages are more user friendly - will be landing late, QA to run nightly testing as time permits
  • received info for (Facebook video calls smoke testing)

Aurora / Dev Edition


  • Prelim reports were Green, no critical issues or concerns
  • Pre-release feature sign-offs are due tomorrow, Wednesday
  • Beta 3rd round of Regression testing to be completed this week


Action items

Feature Status Review

  • Fx91 Beta (On track)
  • Fx 92 Nightly (On Track)
    • Working to finalize feature list. No challenged or at risk callouts from Feature owners.
    • Working to get additonal details around several features; 'WebRTC testing of Facebook group calling', and 'Ship ETP Strict Shimming Phase 3'
    • Both 'run-from-.dmg behavior changes' & 'Package into MSIX' not expected to ship until Fx93. Requested QA support for Fx92.
    • MR 1.1 scope has been scaled down for Fx92. Trying to understand what the new scope is but I would say were looking at 30% or so of the original features/scope.
    • May have some additional features coming from Platform. Team is getting better around their usage of JIRA. See their basic Kanban roadmap;

SUMO Report

* Zooming in on a certain pdf consumes a huge amount of memory and causes the browser(incl.  PC) to hang    
* Fenix: Tab list impinged by dialogs with multiple tabs open
* Fenix  Add an option to disable the "Recently saved" section

Roundtable & Special Topics

Post-Mortem (Tues 2wks from GA Release)

  • next postmortem, is it on Aug 3rd?