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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


RyanVM, abodea, csasca, ajoltan, obotisan, phorea, ljanos, tzsoldos, atrif, lapahidean,asoncutean, Aryx, mlobontiu, jcristau, pascal, cbadau

Schedule Update

  • MoCo wellness day tomorrow
  • Fenix 91.3.1 shipping today
  • Possible Fenix/Focus 91.4.0 dot releases
  • Desktop/DevEdition 92.0b9 gtb today (final beta of cycle)
  • Fenix 92.0.0-beta.7 shipping today (will build & ship beta.8 early next week)
  • RC week next week
  • 93 soft code freeze in a week

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

Desktop Stability


mc2 crash rate: 1.84 (-0.37 compared to previous week), crash incidence: 1.79% (+0.03pp)

mc1 crash rate: 4.79 crashes/1k usage hours (-0.79)


mc2 crash rate: 2.11 (-0.10), crash incidence: 1.69% (-0.23pp)

mc1 crash rate: 3.44 (-0.63)


mc2 crash rate: 1.49 (-0.51), crash incidence: 0.74% (+0.04pp)

mc1 crash rate: 1.76 (-0.33)

Mobile Stability





    • Nightly 93 feature testing - in progress

Aurora / Dev Edition



    • Beta 92 feature pre-release reports - GREEN status
    • 3rd round of regression testing - in progress



    • 92 beta 6 and beta 7 - Sign off Green
    • 91.3.0 RC - Sign off Green
    • 91.3.1 RC - Sign off Green

Action items

Feature Status Review

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

Post-Mortem (Tues 2wks from GA Release)

  • 91 postmortem: September 14 (after weekly regression triage?)