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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


amocirean, ljanos, dmeehan, csasca, RyanVM, epopescu, atrif, apetridean, mchiorean,dsmith, avaida, snegritas, cbadau, oardelean,btot, Aryx, tzsoldos, pascalc, aflorinescu, bmaris, vlucaci, phorea,ailea, asoncutean, cbaica

Schedule Update

  • 107
    • Desktop 107.0 live @ 100% rollout
    • Fenix/Focus 107.1.0 live @ 100% rollout
    • Reminder: Scheduled dot release planned for 2022-11-29
  • 108
    • 108.0b3 will roll out today @ 100% rollout
    • Fenix/Focus 108.0b2 today @ 99% rollout
      • will be pending QA sign off to 100%
  • 109
    • Nothing to call out

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

Desktop Stability


mc2 crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 1.42% (-0.11pp compared to previous week) == back to normal level, crash rate (crashes/active hour for crashing profiles): 1.67 (-0.20)


mc2 crash incidence: 1.71% (+0.15pp), crash rate: 2.00 (+0.21) - first week of beta development cycle, should decrease next week


mc2 crash incidence: 0.73% (-0.03pp), crash rate: 1.31 (-0.37)

Mobile Stability






  • Regression testing – WebRTC regression testing on track to be completed tomorrow/Nov 18th (no new issues found so far)
  • Feature testing
    • QA-1667: Manual testing of new migrators for Opera, Opera GX and Vivaldi - in progress and currently trending YELLOW (3 new bugs: 1800733, 1800923 and 1800917, the last one is an S2 and it's under investigation)

Aurora / Dev Edition


  • Regression testing – Core regression testing (1 of 3) is on track to be completed tomorrow/Nov 18th (2 new bugs so far: 1800623 and 1801061, both S3)
  • Feature testing 
    • QA-1644 - Picture-in-Picture Enhancements - not landed yet in Beta 108
    • QA-1639 - Persist Search Term in Address Bar - preliminary testing in progress



  • Focus 108.0b1 [GREEN]
  • Fenix 108.0b1 [GREEN]
  • Fenix 107.1.0 (Respin) [GREEN]
  • Focus 107.1.0 (Respin) [GREEN]

Action items

Feature Status Review

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)

  • 106 retro scheduled for 2022-11-22 at 11am ET