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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


dsmith, telin, RyanVM, dmeehan, dveditz, Aryx, JR Johnson

Schedule Update

  • 116
    • Desktop 116.0: 25% rollout, will stop rollout after 24h, 100% on Thursday if no major issue arises
    • 115.1/102.14 ESR: 100% rollout
    • Android Fenix/Focus/Klar: 25% rollout
    • Focus/Klar iOS 116 started a phased rollout
    • Firefox iOS is delayed pending an experiment fix
    • Planned dot release 2023-08-15
      • we plan to have all uplifts in by 2023-08-11
  • 117
    • Desktop 117.0b1 live @ 25% rollout, b2 gtb later today
    • Android 117.0b1 build delayed due to Ship-It problems.
      • Will ship today @ 25% based on automated testing completed by QA.
      • Will wait to ship b2 until after the full QA signoff goes out tomorrow.
    • iOS 117.0b1 rolled out to external testers
  • 118
    • New nightly cycle started

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

  • No updates

Desktop Stability


crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 1.69%


crash incidence: % (pp), crash rate: ()


crash incidence: 1.01% - for 115.0.3, higher because recent dot release with few telemetry submissions

  • [macOS14 under development] Crash in [@ __cxxabiv1::failed_throw | objc_exception_throw | -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]]

Mobile Stability



QA (read-only)

  • 116.0, 102.14esr, 115.1esr – Signed off


  • New features – Currently in planning

Aurora / Dev Edition


  • New features – Beta 117 preliminary testing starts Aug 3rd
  • Build validation – 117.0b1 signed off (no new bugs)
  • Regression testing


Action items

Feature Status Review

  • Firefox 117 Beta
    • Graphics: Fix border-image-slice-fill tests slipped to Fx118 as the work was not fully landed ahead of merge
    • Wide Gamut Color Support: P3 + WebGL slipped to Fx118 as we are taking things slow to ensure we do not break colorspace rendering
  • Firefox 118 Nightly
    • Release tracking page will be live by EOD
    • 29 Jira issues already targeting Fx118

SUMO Report

  • Nothing concerning thus far.

Roundtable & Special Topics

  • ESR channel migration is at 100% rollout (finally!!!)
  • QA Holiday 2023-08-15
  • don't be alarmed if Win7 crashes increase -- esr crashes are not throttled like windows release crashes

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)