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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


RyanVM, dmeehan, abodea,dsmith, ljanos, mchiorean, csasca, pascalc,oardelean, sbadau, atrif, cbadau, epopescu, mlobontiuroman, Aryx, gnichita, tzsoldos, bmaris,

Schedule Update

  • 117
    • Rounding up fixes for next week's planned Desktop and Mobile dot releases
    • Android 117.0.1 live @ 100%
    • iOS 117.2 live @ 100%
  • 118
    • Desktop 118.0b6 gtb today @ 100% rollout
    • Android 118.0b6 gtb tomorrow European morning @ 99% rollout
      • Bumping to 100% tomorrow pending QA sign-off
    • Firefox iOS 118.0b6 gtb today
      • Available to External Testers tomorrow pending QA sign-off
    • End of early beta tomorrow
    • No notable issue, only blocker is an Audio crash
  • 119
    • No updates

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

Desktop Stability


crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 1.82%



crash incidence: 0.64%

Mobile Stability






  • Nightly 119 WebRTC testing - in progress, no new issues found

Aurora / Dev Edition



  • Beta 118 regression testing (round 2) - in progress, no concerns so far.
  • Beta 118 antivirus testing - in progress, no concerns so far
  • Beta 118 feature pre-release testing - in progress, the reports will be sent until September 13th, eod



    • Android
  • Fenix 118.0b3 - GREEN
  • Fenix 118.0b4 - YELLOW
  • Fenix 118.0b5 - GREEN
  • Focus 118.0b3 - GREEN
  • Focus 118.0b4 - GREEN
  • Focus 118.0b5 - GREEN
    • Feature Testing
  • [QA-1989] - Fakespot Integration - Mobile Android Core Shopping bottom sheet - in progress
  • [QA-1990] - Fakespot Integration - Mobile Android Shopping Discovery - in progress


    • iOS
  • Firefox iOS v117.1 (33863) - GREEN
  • Firefox iOS v117.2 (33911) - GREEN
  • Firefox iOS v118 (33919) Beta 5 - GREEN
  • Firefox iOS v118 (33869) Beta 4 - GREEN
  • Firefox iOS v118 (33850) Beta 3 - GREEN
    • Feature Testing
  • [QA-1994] - Fakespot Integration - Mobile iOS Core Shopping bottom sheet - In progress
  • [QA-1995] - Fakespot Integration - Mobile iOS Shopping Discovery - In Progress

Action items

Feature Status Review

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)