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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


apetridean, pascalc, dsmith, epopescu,abodea, mlobontiuroman, btot, oardelean, RyanVM, gnichita, phorea, mboldan, Aryx, tzsoldos,asoncutean, ailea

Schedule Update

  • Security dot release shipped today at 100% rollout
    • Desktop 118.0.1
    • ESR 115.3.1
    • Focus/Fenix 118.1.0
  • Planned Desktop 118.0.2 dot release will be Oct. 10
  • 119
    • Desktop/Android 119.0b3 gtb tomorrow
    • iOS 119.0beta 3 will build today
    • Reminder that 119.0b4 will build on Monday 13:00 UTC
  • 120

Release quality metrics (Tuesdays)

Desktop Stability


crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 1.51% (pp compared to previous week) == back to normal level, crash rate (crashes/active hour for crashing profiles): 1.24 ()


crash incidence: 0.89% (-0.15pp), crash rate: 1.50 ()


crash incidence: 0.57% (-0.05pp), crash rate: 1.01 () - incidence is lower than expected directly after a release of a new major version

Mobile Stability





  • Chemspill 118.0.1-build1 - sign-off - GREEN status
  • Chemspill 115.3.1esr-build1 - sign-off - GREEN status


  • Nightly 120 features - Test planning and test design in progress

Aurora / Dev Edition


  • Beta 119 regression testing (round 1) - in progress, no concerns so far.
  • Beta 119 feature preliminary testing - in progress, the reports will be sent until Oct 4th, eod


  • Android


    • Build Signoffs
    • Fenix & Focus
      • Beta 119.0b1 - status GREEN
      • Beta 119.0b2 - status GREEN
      • RC 118.1.0 - status GREEN
    • Feature Testing
      • [QA-2110] - Testing the compatibility of the top 100+ websites in Kenya via Fx on Android - in progress
      • [QA-2104] - New Android package for Fenix: Android App Bundles - in progress
      • [QA-1989] & [QA-1990] - Fakespot shopping experience - in progress
  • iOS


    • Build Signoffs
      • Firefox iOS v118 (34465) RC 2 - GREEN
      • Firefox iOS v119 (34553) Beta 1- GREEN
      • Firefox iOS v119 (34589) Beta 2 - GREEN
    • Feature Testing
      • QA-1994/1995 - Fakespot shopping experience - in progress

Action items

Feature Status Review

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)