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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


dmeehan, dsmith, RyanVM, Pascal, Aryx

Schedule Update

  • 120
    • Desktop 120.0.1 dot release live at 25%
    • Android 120.1.0 is being prepped, building tomorrow for Monday signoff
    • iOS 120.3 is live in a phased rollout
    • There will be no desktop planned dot release on December 5th
  • 121
    • Desktop 121.0b5 live @ 100% rollout, b6 gtb tomorrow
      • Last early beta build
    • Fenix/Focus/Klar for Android 121.0b5 live @ 99% rollout, b6 gtb tomorrow
      • Will bump this rollout to 100% prior to shipping b6 irrespective of QA status
    • Firefox iOS 121.0b5 available to external testers (signed off by QA yesterday), b6 gtb today
      • Will likely push b6 to external testers with just automated testing results, need to confirm with iOS team today
  • 122
    • No updates

Release quality metrics (Thursdays)

Desktop Stability


crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 2.98% (-1.54pp compared to previous week)


crash incidence: 1.86% (+0.73pp)


crash incidence: 0.79% (-0.29pp)

Mobile Stability





Aurora / Dev Edition



  • Android
    • Build Signoffs
    • Feature Testing
  • iOS
    • Build Signoffs
    • Feature Testing

Action items

Feature Status Review

  • Firefox 121 [Beta]
    • Record a new extraKey in pictureinpicture.opened_method event when user opens PiP if they have seen the first-time callout in the last 48 hours slipped to Fx122 as the work wasn’t quite ready before soft code freeze
    • Allow users to Highlight & Comment on PDF slipped to Fx122 but may shift further to Fx123
    • Cookie Banner Handling on Android in Germany PBM.
    • iPad support for Fakespot
  • Firefox 122 [Nightly]
    • Fundamentals Enhancements: Browser Interaction Speed Perception/Responsiveness [Speed v1] remains challenged as the engineering resourcing for this project has been deprioritized.
    • Android and iOS are preparing for a Fakespot ads experiment, gated on the results of Desktop’s ads experiment in 120.

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)