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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


RyanVM, dsmith, dbarladeanu, dmeehan, dpop, vtamas,epopescu, atrif, ljanos, mboldan, csasca, pascalc, mcacciapaglia, asoncutean,

Schedule Update

  • 123
    • No update
  • 124
    • Mobile 124.0 RC2 live in the Google/Samsung play store @ 5% rollout
    • ESR 115.9 RC2 built yesterday, QA approved
    • Go live for Fx124 is 2024-03-19
  • 125
    • Nightly soft code freeze has started
      • String freeze starts tomorrow
    • Merge Day and 125.0b1 gtb next week on Monday 2024-03-18
    • Android repo migration is happening on Monday after the Gecko 126 version bump

Release quality metrics (Thursdays)

Desktop Stability


crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): % (pp compared to previous week)


crash incidence: % (pp)


crash incidence: % (pp)

Mobile Stability






  • Nightly 125 pre-merge smoke testing in progress. No concerns.
  • Nightly 125 search testing in progress. No concerns.

Aurora / Dev Edition




  • Android
    • Build Signoffs Fenix & Focus
      • Beta 124.0b9 - status GREEN
      • RC 124.0 build 1 - status GREEN
      • RC 124.0 build 2 - status GREEN
    • Feature Testing
      • [QA-2218] Website Translations for Fenix on Android - Nightly testing in progress
      • [QA-2258] Android Toolbar Redesign - test cases sent for review
      • [QA-2331] Feature configuration testing for "toolbar" - in progress


  • iOS
    • Build Signoffs
      • Focus iOS 124 (39519) - Sanity Check - status [GREEN]
      • Firefox iOS 123.4 (39582) - Dot release 4- status [GREEN]
      • Firefox iOS 124 (39587) - Beta 9 - status [RED]
      • Firefox iOS 124 (39709) - RC - status [GREEN]
    • Feature Testing
      • QA - 2148 Enhanced Cross-Platform Suggest - testing results sent
      • QA - 2320 - Customization Onboarding Cards - test case creation in progress
      • QA - 2306 iOS Address Autofill - Phase 1 - test case creation in progress
      • QA - 2319 Login/Password Autofill Improvements - test case creation in progress

Action items

Feature Status Review

  • 124
    • Fundamentals Enhancements: Browser Interaction Speed Perception/Responsiveness [Speed v1] is currently targeting Fx124 and marked as challenged due to resource constraints that have blocked this work for the past several releases.
    • Allow users to Highlight on PDF deferred to Fx125 as an accessibility issue affecting voice over reading was discovered. The team is working to debug.
    • Pull-to-refresh has been re-enabled by default on Android. This is a popular user request and a feature parity issue with Chrome (and Safari), but caused some website bugs.
  • 125
    • TLS Error Page Reduction, Phase 1 deferred to Fx127 as the engineer working on this went out on leave.
    • CSSLoader OnStopRequest - OMT slipped to Fx126. While development is progressing well, we have been addressing tests failures and coordinating reviews and will not make it into Fx125
    • Android Web Translations on track for Fx125.

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

  • Next week is release week + pwn2own, expect a chemspill

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)

  • 123 retrospective on March 26 (invites will be sent tomorrow)