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General Topics / Roundtable

Friends of the Firefox team


  • [mconley] Eric Smyth (:esmyth)

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Fixed more than one bug

  • Abdoulaye O. LY
  • Avery Berninger
  • Manish [:manishkk]

    • Special shout-out for fixing 10 bugs in the last two weeks! 🎉

  • Martin Koroknay
  • Oriol Brufau [:Oriol]
  • Shivam Singhal [ :championshuttler ]
  • Tim Nguyen :ntim

New contributors (🌟 = first patch)

Project Updates

Activity Stream

Add-ons / Web Extensions



  • Latest export landed in Nightly: disables uploads, provides migration instructions for past uploaders, adds ctrl + shift + s keyboard shortcut

    • Show context menu when there's a text selection (#5334)

    • Enable pageAction on reader mode (#5282)

    • Add additional requestIdleCallback wait around migration server check (#5335).

    • Metrics improvements (#5315)

      • stop sending metrics if server isn't available
      • Also adds logic to not send timing information if server is unavailable
      • only send analytics for 10% of user.
    • Make Enter download a shot. (#5259)

    • Use incognito: spanning in manifest (#5294)

    • Update first slide text to remove references to uploading[1]43c8db5

    • Query user status from server (#5260)

    • Remove My Shots links for non-server-users (#5263)

    • Pop open server page for people with indefinite shots. (#5261)

    • Remove My Shots test, since My Shots button is usually gone[2]534eba4


Services (Firefox Accounts / Sync / Push)

Browser Architecture

Developer Tools


  • First Fission Newsletter published
  • Fission now has milestones! (Fission Milestone in Bugzilla)

    • M1 -> Render an OOP iframe -> End of February

    • M2 -> Interactive OOP iframes -> +1 or 2 months, TBD

    • M3 … Future

    • Please nominate bugs with Fission Milestone -> ? if you think it applies to Fission

  • Groundwork for framescript replacement is landing at a fast pace
  • Some docs for the front-end are on the wiki



Password Manager


Policy Engine


Search and Navigation

Bookmarks & History


Quantum Bar

  • Lots of bug fixes and code cleanups, list too long.
  • Search one-off buttons have been added to the display, but currently can't be selected/clicked on.
  • Now ported the majority of tests in the urlbar directory to work with QuantumBar. Likely to start on those outside the urlbar directory soon.
  • Working on getting the list of bugs remaining for nightly down, will likely be looking at starting wider testing soon.

User Experience

This week I learned

  • [felipe] There’s a non-standard transitioncancel event, useful when a transition is interrupted midway and you still need to do work. It can be interrupted by some CSS changes such as the element receiving display: none, the transition-property changing, etc.
  • [felipe] elem.getAnimations() also returns ongoing transitions, and there’s a `finished` promise on it (which resolves or rejects if the transition was canceled)
  • [6a68] Github contributors in contributors list? (Sure!)