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Today’s meeting leader is: MattN

General Topics / Roundtable

  • [MattN] We are now in the Nightly 66 cycle
  • [mconley] Reminder - please do not modify the DOM inside of a promiseDocumentFlushed callback. Only use the callback to sample layout / style information.

    • I have a patch up to cause the Promise to reject if the DOM is modified within the callback.

Friends of the Firefox team


  • Irene Smith

Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Project Updates

Activity Stream

  • No updates this week.

Add-ons / Web Extensions

  • Support for bootstrapped extensions has been removed.
  • Adding a blocking webRequest listener now throws if the extension doesn’t have appropriate permission.
  • All extensions now share a single hidden window, and this window is not created until it is needed.
  • Browser.tabs got a new API for changing the order in which tabs are focused.
  • Work on giving users control over extensions’ access to private browsing windows continues.

Application Services (Sync / Firefox Accounts / Push)

  • No updates this week. See you all next year! 🎊

Browser Architecture

  • No updates this week.

Developer Tools


  • Bug 1503984 - pref

    • (hopefully) final version of the patch posted, waiting on review

  • Slides and Air Mozilla recording from the Orlando presentation are available. Check the fx-team mailing list (or ping me) for the links


  • Lots coming in 2019.




  • The team is reorienting itself for 2019 Q1 to focus again on startup speed. Trying to determine a concrete goal to aim for.
  • Please tag any bug that might help with start-up perf with [fxperf] to get it on our radar
  • Felipe

    • Got feedback about new tab animations in Orlando from epang and dao

    • Hoping to get a subset of the new animations landed soon behind a pref

  • Gijs

    • Landed patches for this bug, which allows us to lower the framerate on what we consider to be “weaker hardware”

      • For now, “weaker hardware” means 2 or fewer logical CPU cores and a clock speed of 1.8Ghz or less.

      • At least when tested locally, this had a positive impact on the Raptor tp6 pageload tests when run on the Quantum 2018 reference devices
      • Held to Nightly and early Beta. The plan is to let it ride the trains to Beta, and then do a SHIELD study to determine if it’s having a positive impact on pageload speed in the wild.
    • Got rid of a sync layout flush!

  • mconley

Policy Engine

  • Released 64 GPOs and Mac information
  • Mac Admin community is really excited about the new stuff
  • Working with Asa to prioritize new policies


  • No updates this week.

Search and Navigation


  • Search suggestions requests are now isolated from other requests to avoid sharing cookies/cache - Bug 1510281

Quantum Bar:


  • In 2019 we’ll try to find a convergence with the Fenix schema to simplify syncing

Test Pilot

  • Send has an Android beta coming soon! Sign up here
  • Shield study for Side View is wrapping up. Survey results look positive overall
  • Firefox Color now exports static themes ready for submission to AMO
  • Screenshots

    • Screenshots shipped Firefox Accounts support on the server: you can now access your shots on any web browser

    • Screenshots had its best month ever: 3.3M users / 18M shots

    • Screenshots adding a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + S

Web Payments

This week I learned