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Firefox/Gecko Delivery Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PST, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Fin du Monde Conference Room
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


  • actions from last week:
  • schedule and progress on upcoming releases
  • review highlights and notices
  • respond to questions and concerns

Action Items

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox 4 (Desktop)

  • Not many blockers left (
  • Triaging daily @ 11:30 am PST
    • Please nominate or email if you find a problem drivers need to look at
  • Will wait for 75% of beta audience to be on beta 12 and hardblockers at zero before building
  • QA will be talking about their test plan that needs to be done before RC is pushed to the beta audience

Firefox 4 (Mobile)

Firefox 3.6/3.5

Firefox 3.6.14 and 3.5.17

  • Released yesterday, thanks everyone!
  • The graphs on crash-stats are wrong, don't freak out

Firefox 3.6.15 and 3.5.18

  • Schedule will be coming this week
  • Have a plan for a possible pwn2own response

Firefox Sync

Add-on Builder 1.0a9

  • Maintenance release due out tomorrow
  • Feature release on-track for full completion and release on March 24th
    • The 1.0b4 of the SDK is scheduled to be released on March 23rd. If the opportunity presents itself, we will sync announcements of the two.

Add-on SDK 1.0b3

  • blockers delayed release for almost a week
  • released yesterday, Tuesday, March 1 (release announcement)

Add-on SDK 1.0b4

  • focus is on enhancements and polish fixes for Firefox 4 add-on development
  • freezes Wednesday, March 16
  • ships Wednesday, March 23

Input 3.3

  • Code-Freeze: 3/4
  • Features: Dashboard for RC/Release "Ideas" and beta releases will be overlayed on x-axis of our graphs

We're working on a new service, Grundle, to deal with clustering millions of feedback a day. It'll be a mix-n-match of a several powerful components; to best understand the approach, please read Michael Kurze's blog post and his excellent powerpoint presentation on it.

Feedback Summary

-Two big new issues we saw were printing issues for Windows users (now fixed-w00t!) and proxy issues accessing sites like webmail.

Issue SUMO Input Buglink
Windows 7, XP and Vista Users: Beta 12 Prints illegibly (weird spaces/characters) 10+54 and others 984 bug 635768 [FIXED]
SSL pages don't work over proxy 122 bug 637361
Hangs on search/McAfee? 385 bug 633199
An issue with Adobe Reader X 67 505 May not be fx4. [1]
Unable to switch search engines/locks up when using search bar 33+4 265 75 bug 631746
Hotmail Constantly Reloading [2][3] 2599 bug 627729 bug 636692
Facebook Chat not working 107
Flash-related crashes (fb games, gmail, 658 1042
Font Rendering on Windows 279 bug 594325 bug 612846 bug 629857
Netflix streaming player doesn't work OSX 73 was bug 598406
DivX player doesn't work 35 (302+ overall) 77
Broken Panorama (missing button, changed shortcut) 50+ from: [4][5][6][7] 167 bug 624588
No save & close dialog when closing Firefox w/multiple tabs 40-ish from: [8][9][10][11] 363 caused by bug 592822 bug 550559
Gmail Locks Up (proxy issue?) 6 365

Highlights / Notices

  • QA: Firefox 4 RC Test Plan up for review
    • Approach: We would like to qualify the RC after 3+ days of testing, then continue with the testing activities listed in the plan while the build is used by a larger audience before final sign-off.
  • RelEng will be branching the mozilla-2.0 repository off of mozilla-central to do the RC build(s).
    • Details still being worked out, stay tuned!

Questions and Concerns

Press & Public Reactions

Wall Street Journal Europe: Firefox 4 Reignites Browser Wars