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Firefox/Gecko Delivery Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PDT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Fin du Monde Conference Room
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


  • actions from last week:
  • schedule and progress on upcoming releases
  • review highlights and notices
  • respond to questions and concerns

Action Items

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox 4 (Desktop)

  • RC1 looks like it will be the final build, so far no showstoppers found
    • several issues have been identified as potential ridealongs, meaning we might do a 4.0.1 release
    • continuing to do triage daily
  • assuming RC1 holds, the planned ship date is March 22nd at or around 7am PDT
  • reminder to QA + press that unadvertized MU from 3.5->4.0 and 3.6->4.0 will be available on release day (i.e. users will be able to do Help -> Check for Updates to see an update to 4.0)

Firefox 4 (Mobile)

Firefox 3.6/3.5

Firefox 3.6.14 and 3.5.17

  • 3.6.14/15 postmortem is Monday the 28th @ 2:00 pm PDT

Firefox 3.6.16 and 3.5.18

  • Schedule for 3.6.16 and 3.5.18 is up
    • Code freeze for non-blockers is this Thursday, 2011-03-17 @ 11:59 pm PDT
    • Code freeze for blockers is next Thursday, 2011-03-24 @ 6:00 pm PDT
    • Final release is 2011-04-19

Firefox Sync

Add-on Builder 1.0a9

  • maintenance release shipped last week, no issues so far
  • freeze for the feature release for this cycle is Friday - ships next week
    • will look to possibly coordinate this release with SDK 1.0b4
  • search will be the focus for next cycle - one of the last major steps toward a beta release of the Builder

Add-on SDK 1.0b4

  • freezes today
  • some stuff in plan landed, some stuff in plan missed, some stuff not in plan landed (notable increase in contributions from outside core team this cycle!)
  • ship date to be delayed a day or two so it isn't at the same time as Firefox 4

Input 3.4


  • Major release submission methods weren't intended to be shown on RC builds. We're looking into solutions, so beta submission methods should be shown on all beta/rc's after Fx4.


  • Next stop is Input 3.4 with a release date of 3/31
  • It'll include grouperfish clustering and an updated dashboard for mobile users

Feedback Summary

Highlights / Notices

  • There's a good possibility that we'll continue to see issues with sites that have Firefox 3.6 and lower-specific code with Firefox 4. If there are problems detected that may be related to version-specific code, UA detection and/or the html5 parser (like the Hotmail reload issue, Amazon deals, etc.), please make sure you let Kev Needham (kev at mozilla dot com) know so he can help track down contacts and make them aware where needed.

Questions and Concerns

Press & Public Reactions