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Firefox Product Delivery Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - Firefox 3 - 11:00am Pacific, 2:00pm Eastern, 18:00 UTC
  • Mozilla Building S
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x91 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #shiretoko for backchannel

NOTE: See Platform#Meeting_Notes for development meeting notes

Firefox / 3.0.2

  • found 2 regressions during beta (bug 454406 and bug 455283
  • fixes for those bugs were landed yesterday, along with ride alongs (bug 455587 and bug 443918)
  • new 3.0.2 builds appearing today
  • revised schedule is:
    • Sept 17: builds available
    • Sept 17-19: QA on 3.0.2 build 6 (smoketests, spotchecks)
    • Sept 19: re-issue 3.0.2 beta to beta channel (needed?)
    • Sept 23: ship 3.0.2 and

Firefox 3.1

(see this week's development meeting notes for more Firefox 3.1 / Gecko 1.9.1 development information)

  • Nightlies
    • showing ~ 12k active daily users
    • CMS landed on by default, caused perf hit, rethinking
    • CSS transforms landed
  • Alpha 2
    • released Friday, Sept 5th
    • showing ~ 10k active daily users
  • Beta 1 Schedule
    • en-US string freeze is Thursday, Sept 26th at 11:59pm PDT
    • code freeze is Tuesday, Sept 30th at 11:59pm PDT
  • Beta 2 Schedule
    • en-US string freeze is Thursday, October 30th at 11:59pm PDT
    • code freeze is Tuesday, November 4th at 11:59pm PDT


  • continuing to work with Symantec on the issue being experienced by some users of Norton 360 and Firefox 3; investigation notes here
  • Weekly common issues: [1]


builds are on VMs, mac builds should come alive shortly, still setup problems

upload time vastly improved

33 locales with localizer commits: be cs de en-GB es-AR es-ES eu fi fr fy-NL ga-IE gu-IN he hu it lt mk nb-NO nl nn-NO pa-IN pl pt-BR pt-PT ro ru si sk sr sv-SE tr zh-CN zh-TW

21 locales with just Axel: af ar ca cy da el gl hi-IN id is ja ja-JP-mac ka ko ku mn mr oc sq th uk

14 empty repositories: as bg bn-IN eo et fa kn lv ml ne-NP rw sl ta te

ignored: en-ZA hy-AM nr nso ss st tn ts ve xh zu

mr and th waiting to be added to the build, eo and et coming in

Firefox 3.0.2 beta locales torn between getting their initial feedback on beta landed on one tree and getting into fx3.1 b1

Roc would be point person for layout changes that would love intl testing.


  • Firefox 3.0.2 (QA-lead Tomcat)
    • Currently running smoketests for Firefox 3.0.2 Build 6 for Mac and Linux, Windows will follow when we have signed builds.
    • Other spotchecks with l10n builds and update follow as usual
    • All other Tests were completed last week before build 5.
    • So far for Beta Feedback, we have so far no other regression report
  • Firefox 3.1 (tchung)
    • Ongoing testplan and testcases work
    • Dogfooding with JIT enabled. Crashes found but having issues with socorro reporting
    • Working on fleshing out tests for new CSS attributes in platform (background images, border radius, transforms, font-face, svg clip path etc)

Release Engineering

  • TB2.0.0.17 handed to QA earlier this week
  • slow progress on release automation on hg
  • slow progress on mobile automation



  • need timings on release dates as soon as you can
  • start thinking about what the Firefox 3.1 package will look like


  • it would be good to have a set of known issues and workarounds ready for when we ship Firefox 3.1