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Firefox Product Delivery Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - Firefox 3 - 11:00am Pacific, 2:00pm Eastern, 18:00 UTC
  • Mozilla Building S
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #shiretoko for backchannel

NOTE: See Platform#Meeting_Notes for development meeting notes

Firefox 2.0.0.x / 3.0.x

  • Firefox 3.0.6
    • Shipped to beta users yesterday (January 27)
    • On track for release next Tuesday, February 3
    • Please let me know if you see any bugs that should block the release
  • Firefox 3.0.7
    • Code freeze is scheduled for February 3 at 11:59pm (in less than a week)
    • Final release targeted for early March
    • Queries for blockers/nominations/approvals are on the Firefox 3.0.7 wiki page
    • (Only four approved bugs that need landing. My threats worked! ;) )

Firefox 3.1 Development

Development Update

Daily users

  • ~350k users on Beta 2
  • ~10k users on Shiretoko nightlies
  • ~10k users on Minefield nightlies

Beta 3

  • code freeze is hard to predict at this time
  • thus other downstream dates cannot be predicted
  • watch devnews and dev.planning for updates


  • Link to support doc when user is notified that places.sqlite is locked is now working.
  • New help-topic link planned: about:privatebrowsing will have link to Private Browsing support doc. bug 471726
  • Options window article split progress: 25% of locales have sent in their translations. [1]
  • Top weekly common issue is still locked/corrupted sqlite files. Are there plans to land bug 414715 in 3.0?
  • New issue: Yahoo toolbar not letting you log into Yahoo. (KB article: Cannot log in to websites (landing soon!))


Firefox Beta 3
  • 63 locales
  • only 1 locale missing from Firefox 3.0.x
Fennec l10n
  • basic build infrastructure in place, make installers-ab-CD works
  • more bugs open to get to feature parity
  • work on support on l10n dashboard started
  • Early adopter group driven by l10n-drivers, sethb, gandalf, stas, me


  • Beta 3 testplan
  • Firefox 3.1 Feature testing progress:
    • Testplans (92% completed)
    • Testcases (83% completed)
      • ETA to completion: post-beta 3
  • 135 trunk & 1.9.1 bugs verified in last 2 weeks. Great work! But 921+ to go...
  • Beta 3 Nightly Testweek in progress, capping with a testday on friday 1/30. We may do another testday next week, b3 builds pending.

Release Engineering

  • waiting for "go" on FF3.1b3
  • testing "major update" from FF3.1b3pre -> FF3.1b3pre
  • several meetings last week about remaining FF2 users
    • Of the remaining 13.6M on FF2, 6.5M are not even on FF2.0.0.20, so not even seeing the MU offer
    • investigations continue


  • Email going out this week to top 500 developers not yet on 3.1.
  • Bringing on more editors on a weekly basis to handle update load.


  • Yahoo! in process of updating all home pages to accept 2009 build ids. will be completed Monday
  • Want to clarify change to defaults in ru for 3.1, as well as outline policy moving forward, and end-user notification/impacts
  • Review browser.startup.homepage(_reset) pref policy (global, non-localizable currently) and management of locale.start* hostnames


  • Documentation for workers has a new sample.
  • Now working on remaining smaller documentation items, since the major doc issues are complete enough to do the job for now.
  • Please contact Sheppy if there are any urgent documentation needs for 3.1 beta 3.
  • Last call for FF 3.1 features - please look at the messaging page (much love)



  • dveditz to drive a project to see if we can have a "check your plugins" site where users can go to determine if their plugins are up to date, and if not, find links to updates (see bug 391433 for details)
    • beltzner, johnath, chofmann asked to be cc'd
  • justin agreed to follow up with morgamic to ensure that we could throttle Major Update snippets on a per version / channel basis (to allow users to "Check for Updates..." to Firefox 3.1 on launch day, but not have the offer given to users who do not explicitly check)