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Meeting Details

  • 11:00am PST (19:00 UTC)
  • Mozilla <table> conference room
  • 650-215-1282 x91 Conf# 217 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 217 (US)
  • join #granparadiso for backchannel


  1. PRD Status Update
  2. Taking stock: what work is already in progress?
  3. Reviewing open action items from PRD Clarification Meetings
  4. Extension uplift: nominations for evaluation
  5. Structure of these meetings
  6. Line Item Template
  7. Any other business

PRD Status Update

  • PRD break out meetings completed, notes are on the discussion pages
  • merging these back into the Firefox 3 PRD, please comment on the structure of that document if you haven't already
  • figuring out how to track requirements on a regular basis
  • mconnor, schrep, basil and others drafting a schedule of milestone target dates

Taking stock: what work is already in progress?

  • History on Places (Dietrich)
  • that's it...

Reviewing open action items from PRD meetings

  • Initial assignments have been made, updated list is here.

Extension uplift: nominations for evaluation

Basic idea is that the Product team, UE team can investigate nominations further to evaluate for possible inclusion in Firefox.

  • URLFixer
  • LocationBar²
  • Firebug
  • Console² (Myk's nomination)
  • Site Specific Prefs (Myk's extension)
  • Investigate download manager extensions (Brendan)
  • Print Hint (another Myk nomination)
  • TableTools (not this specific implementation, which is cumbersome to use, but some mechanism for letting users do a couple of common high-value operations on tables, in particular sorting them)
  • any others?

Structure of these meetings

  • Based on the Fx2 meetings, what's useful for this time?
    • Understanding basic progress that's being made -- what's landed, major doc updates, etc. No more than 3 line items per person or it's getting a bit too detailed.
  • What information do you need on a weekly basis to make you more effective?
    • Schedule updates

Line item template

  • Discussion will be moved to dev.planning for template review

Any other business

  • MCONNOR will follow up with Asaf Romano re: meeting times and so forth.