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Meeting Details

  • 11:00am PST (19:00 UTC)
  • Mozilla <table> conference room
  • 650-215-1282 x91 Conf# 217 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 217 (US)
  • #granparadiso for backchannel

PRD Status Update

  • Current PRD Spreadsheet is here.
    • Recent changes: Added OSPI-007a and OSPI-008a, both related to Accessibility

Open actions for PRD progress

Firefox 3 development progress

Work in progress

Review of what's underway

  • Bookmarks on Places
    • Note: Will not be available for Alpha 3 - due to blockers below and need to pass FFTs
    • Blocker bugs
    • Very close to passing the Bookmarks BFTs
    • Shouldn't flip on until all blockers are fixed, and we can pass the Bookmarks FFTs.
  • History on Places
  • Site specific prefs (Myk)
  • Line item template review (Beltzner)

New work that has been started

  • Anything new to report?

Extension uplift: nominations for evaluation

Basic idea is that the Product team, UE team can investigate nominations further to evaluate for possible inclusion in Firefox.

NOTE: Beltzner is going to take an action to move these lists to a separate, permanent wiki page for future tracking/investigation. Further discussion is not required currently unless someone has questions.

Current nominations

  • URLFixer
  • LocationBar²
  • Firebug
  • Console² (Myk's nomination)
  • Site Specific Prefs (Myk's extension)
  • Investigate download manager extensions (Brendan)
    • nsIDownloadManager simple listener means extensions must use hacks to integrate with it (MFinkle)
  • Print Hint (another Myk nomination)
  • TableTools (not this specific implementation, which is cumbersome to use, but some mechanism for letting users do a couple of common high-value operations on tables, in particular sorting them)
  • Searchbar Autosizer - Nominated by johnath both for the autosizing search bar, and for the preference to clear bar after search.

Any new extensions to consider?

  • Context Search - Nominated by steve england for changing the "Web Search for..." context item into a menu containing your Mycroft search plugins, so allows you to easily decide which search engine you use. Firefox's default is to use the currently selected search plugin only. UI change in right click context menu only when some text is highlighted. Bug 248173
  • Resizable Form Fields - Lets the user resize form elements. Useful for making text areas larger when writing lots or after increasing font sizes. No UI needed. (Nominated by steve england) bug 167951
  • Paste & Go 2 - Allows the user to paste clipboard text into either the search bar or URL bar and automagically start the browser to act upon the pasted data. UI change only to right click context menu in URL bar and Search bar. (Nominated by steve england). bug 216667 for URL bar RFE only.
  • TabMixPlus: Only as example for the following features. From the user fears of Firefox 2: Add preferences UI for setting the tab min- and maxwidth, en-/disabling the scrolling of the tabbar and en-/disabling multi-tab-rows support - or to say it in another way: shortest access to the tab you want. (Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • Text Link: The way to open a plain text in a clean profile is an annoyance. There are also other extensions like this, auto-linkification would be handy (easy accessibility). See bug 236336 (Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • TargetKiller: It should be the users choice if a link open in the same tab, a new tab or a new window. Firefox should check if the target is the name of another frame in the page and if not, open it in the same tab. Many users don't know the middle click feature, maybe the manual page with the shortcuts should be opened on the first run? See bug 251693(Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • Submit To Tab: Provide the possibility to submit a form to a new tab (people can use the same form for multiple requests). See bug 17754
  • Dictionary Switcher: Many people who are not english-native speakers use more than one dictionary and changing it manually depending on the site is an annoyance. This extension does auto-detection. See bug 338427 (Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • Copy Plain Text: Copying some text and pasting it into a word processor often results in ugly format because the format from the web page is copied, too. (Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • Add to Search Bar or OpenSearchFox: Add an input field to the search bar with the context menu. See bug 261124 (Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • OpenBook: In Firefox 2, the user can only change the title and folder in the "add bookmark" dialogue. So you can not change the address after a GET query, add a keyword or change the description. See bug 262640 (Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • Extension Manager Extended: For shooting down problems with a profile in which extensions are installed (maybe by add-on interference), there should be an easy way to show the end user which add-ons have changed in the last few days / weeks. This extension shows date and time of the last update (or if there is none, of the installation). (Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • Extended Link Properties: At the moment, the user can not see how big a file is before he starts downloading, so there should be a tooltip or other access which shows the file size behind links to common download file types / file types which are not opened in the browser. ELP works with Firefox 2 if you change the maxVersion to 2.0.0.* . See bug 328954 (Nominated by Archaeopteryx)
  • Locale Switcher or Quick Locale Switcher: There is already a category for language packs in the add-on manager, but no UI way to change it. See bug 243113 (current) and bug 224194 (old). (Nominated by Archaeopteryx, sorry for so many wishes)

Super Drag and go[[1]]Drag a link or anything like a uri (e.g. "" ), and throw it to anywhere blank on the webpage to open the it in a new tab. Right Encoding[[2]]Right Encoding enables you to set the character encoding of the page on the context menu. minimizetotray[[3]]A powerful extension to minimize Windows versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Mozilla Suite, and Nvu to the system tray. showimage[[4]]Show Image is an extension for Mozilla Firefox which enables user to reload a broken image without loading the entire page. This is particularly useful for 56k modem users when there are many images on a page to be loaded. Usually the loading process will time out and the user has no choice but to reload the entire page.

Round table