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Meeting Details

  • 11:00am PST (19:00 UTC)
  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • 650-215-1282 x91 Conf# 217 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 217 (US)
  • join #granparadiso for backchannel


  • Action items
  • Gecko 1.9 Roundtable
  • Firefox 3
  • Any other business

Gecko 1.9 Alpha 3 Status

  • Units rewrite
    • (landed)
  • Border rewrite
    • Needs reviews; hopefully will land in a week
  • DOM Parser doing HTML: bug 366936 has HTML tree construction testing patch. This is needed to verify that DOMParser produces identical trees (excluding script etc), and that the content sinks don't regress.
  • Offline apps stuff
    • Main patch blocking on reviews; reviewers already lined up
  • Leak regressions
    • (See round table)

Maybe for 1.9a3

  • XS XHR
    • not for a3; code may be done, but probably not landed (jonas going on vacation)
  • New TextFrame
    • ??
  • Site-specific prefs
    • Should know more next week
  • Linux ref platform
    • Waiting on hardware

Gecko 1.9 Roundtable

  • Triage report
    • JavaScript stuff should have its own component
      • brendan, igor, crowder to own
    • SVG will need its own as well
  • Sheppy asks that developers please take a look at Firefox 3 for developers and Gecko 1.9 Changes affecting web sites and if they see any new developer or web developer facing changes to Firefox 3 missing, to please add them to the list. The documentation scoping effort is underway.
    • If an item needs more docs, contact Sheppy or write it yourself!


Gecko-related Firefox 3 issues

  • Current PRD Spreadsheet is here.
    • Recent changes: Added OSPI-007a and OSPI-008a, both related to Accessibility
  • Continuing to work on the PRD Follow up actions list. Currently waiting on:
    • Roc - CSS 2.1, CSS 3 related line items
    • Roc (?) - Specific line items for the PRD (if any) that came out of the Offline apps meeting
    • Basil - to finish sorting through and refining printing requirements and bugs
    • Stuart - "Save web pages as PDF" - do we need to add anything more to the PRD for that?

Any other business