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Firefox 3 Meeting

Meeting Details

  • Tuesdays - Firefox 3 - 11:00am Pacific, 2:00pm Eastern, 18:00 UTC
  • Mozilla Building S - <script> conference room
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x91 Conf# 217 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 217 (US)
  • #granparadiso for backchannel

PRD Status Update

Open Action Items

Schedule & Tree Rules

  • code freeze when at 0 blockers
  • M9 Blockers (subset of unassigned M9 blockers)
    • beta 1 criteria: safe for daily browsing, no glaring bugs/omissions in shipped features
  • new check-in rules
    • patches on bugs marked blocking-firefox3+ can land
    • patches marked approvalM9+ can land
    • see [recent dev.planning post] for more details

Work in progress

  • Web-based protocol handling (PH team)
  • Places (Places team)
  • Download Manager
  • Password Manager (dolske)
  • Addons Manager (Rob Strong, Mossop, mwu)
    • M9 complete
    • 7 M10 blockers
      • 2 ready to check in
      • 2 awaiting review
    • 1 M11 blocker
    • Madhava and Mossop working on scaled back Add-ons UI rework
  • Security, Privacy, Identity
  • Installer
  • User Experience
  • Theming/Visual Makeover

Security Review

  • Design Review Proposal
  • Suggested order for review
    • Password Manager (done)
    • Offline Apps ([ done])
    • Web Content Handlers (up next)
    • Microformats (mkaply)
    • RSS (sayrer)
    • Add-Ons (rob_strong) (in progress)
    • Places (dietrich)
    • Cross-domain XMLHttpRequest - Done.
    • Distribution/Customization
    • ContentEditable
    • Private Browsing
    • Malware Protection

QA Status/Topics

  • Fx 3 Test Plan wiki
  • Status of FF3 feature verifications to date. (See Feature Tracking tab on Spreadsheet)
  • M9 blocker verification status:
    • 15 of 26 Core bugs verified
    • 6 of 23 Firefox bugs verified
  • Test strategy for M9 release: run smoketests, FFT, Extension Regressions, Plugin Regressions, Top 50 Sites Regression, and Focused Testing.
  • Trunk Asserts on Linux Trunk nightly are posted on bc's blog. (bclary)
    • Plan is to run more top site testing against M9 later.
  • First crack at running 600 FFTs litmus test cases on debug builds. Logs are posted here. (tomcat)
  • This week's testday topic is on Mac and Windows OS Integration features. If you're the dev on the feature, please come to #testday on friday to help with questions.

Build Topics

  • question about locales; build all locales, and see what breaks or fails testing and should be pulled from release
  • question about updates; not generating updates. Maybe come back later in beta2, and generate updates to bring forward alpha users?
  • enabling branding

Localization Topics

Round table

Hacky patch to get DTrace support built on Leopard.

Gecko 1.9 Meeting

Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am Pacific, 2:00pm Eastern, 18:00 UTC
  • Mozilla Building S - <script> conference room
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x91 Conf# 217 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 217 (US)
  • join #granparadiso for backchannel

General Discussion

Blockers and Noms

Blockers report:

Platform Round Table

  • GFX Update
    • Status of prioritization of Beta 2 P1s and Beta 2 Blockers?
    • 1 P1
    • 6 P2s
    • 14 printing bugs.
  • Layout Update
    • Status of prioritization of Beta 2 P1s and Beta 2 Blockers?
  • Content Update
    • Status of prioritization of Beta 2 P1s and Beta 2 Blockers?
  • Mac OS X Update
    • 20 Blockers remaining.
    • 1/2 are planning to do for M10.
    • Status of prioritization of Beta 2 P1s and Beta 2 Blockers?