Firefox:Home Page:1502-ReleaseChecklist

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Firefox/Thunderbird Release Checklist


This serves as a checklist to make sure we don't miss any community, development, QA, Build, Product team, or partner deliverables as we release a new version of

It is organized by major functional activity in roughly chronological order. At the end of each bullet is the owner of the checklist item.

  • Development code freeze - Project Lead
  • Initial verification - QA Lead
    • Complete Bug Verification Target - QA Lead
    • BFT on one platform - QA Lead
  • Complete Regression Testing - QA Lead
    • Examples: All BFTs/FFTs, JS regression test, Security regressin test, top sites, top extensions, etc. See Test Plan for details.
  • En-US Release Candidates
    • Release Prep - Build
    • en-US Install/Startpage/Version ID/Udpate test - QA Lead
  • RC Release
    • Annouce to community
    • Watch blogs and groups
  • L10n
    • Owner signoff as needed
    • Trademark review as needed
    • L10n Build - Build
      • Capture the chosen nightly into the canidates directory
      • Package up the locales
    • L10N qualification testing - QA Lead
    • Testing by person with language skills
  • Annouce to partners/distibuter - rebron
    • Symantec
    • McAfee
    • Need at least a week notice
  • Announce to security group - dveditz
    • security group
    • Aecurity annouce
    • 1-2 weeks out
  • Vulnerability Notice - dveditz
    • Draft to Sec/Secannc
    • Adviseries posted on release
  • Other PR as needed - Product
    • Web site updates
  • Release Notes
    • Inputs to rebron - Dev/QA/Product
    • First Draft complete - rebron
    • Review - Dev/QA/Product
    • Final release notes - rebron
  • Final staging
    • Stage bits - Build
    • Run automated check - QA Lead
    • Version ID/Update path test - QA Lead
    • Make updatepaths/install bits live - Build
    • Test live update/install bigs - QA Lead
  • Yahoo builds
    • create and test builds with yahoo specific search codes
