Firefox OS/DeviceQA/2014-11-10WeeklyReport

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Name Done Plan
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14)
    • Mozilla Certificate Test Suite
      • Execute on Madai
    • Remove unnecessary test environment from moztrap
    • Africacom support (Monday and Tuesday)
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • Three days off and QA Team building for one day
    • MCTS for Stringray project discuss
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14)
    • Bugs verification
    • Update from bzapi to new native REST API for QA-Dashboard
    • Try run marionette JS for API testing on real device
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • Practice Marionette JS for API testing
    • Prepare simple SE API test case for DT
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14):
    • Mozilla Certificate Test Suite
    • Connected Devices meeting.
    • Follow up the Card UI tasks and issues.
    • Develop cross-platform tools by Python.
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21):
    • Follow up Woodduck build issue.
    • Mozilla Certificate Test Suite
    • Connected Devices meeting.
    • Plan Gaia Build process with Gaia team.
    • Android L Porting.
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14)
    • Create test cases for email forwarding attachments (v2.2)
    • Take care of Flame KK v2.0 automation reports (Daily)
    • Executing Gaia UI test on Woodduck and update reports on wiki (Daily)
    • Test/verify bugs for Woodduck
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • Take care of Flame KK v2.0 automation reports (Daily)
    • Test/verify bugs for Woodduck
    • Power consumption planning / discussion
      • Optimize Radio Use while in Sleep Mode (Bug 1098316)
      • Disable GPS When not in use or in foreground (Bug 1093618)
      • Enable WiFi Low Power Mode by default (Bug 1084156)
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14)
    • Verify sprint 8 tickets of productivity
    • Complete test case creation of power consumption
    • Tune up CI server for Marionette JS envtionment
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • Power consumption planning / discussion
    • Prepare automation scrum for TPE
    • Verify sprint 8/ 9 tickets of productivity
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14):
    • Code coverage testing checking
      • JSCover, Istanbul
    • Moztrap cleanup plan
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21):
    • Code coverage testing checking with RD
      • blanket.js
    • Moztrap plan for WW
    • V2.2 Prep
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14):
    • Follow up and verify bugs reported by QAnalyst.
    • Moztrap cleanup
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21):
    • Follow up and verify bugs reported by QAnalyst
    • Start to look at fxosqa-auto-backlog
    • V2.2 Prep
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14):
    • Follow up Woodduck tasks and issues
    • Handle outsource tasks
    • Review issues filed by Marigold
    • Woodduck triage meeting
    • Outsourcing weekly meeting
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21):
    • Follow up Woodduck tasks and issues
    • Handle outsource tasks
    • Review issues filed by Marigold
    • Woodduck triage meeting
    • Outsourcing weekly meeting
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14):
    • Flame task:
      • FOTA verificaton
      • L porting discussion
      • Bug work
    • Power consumption task:
      • Direction discussion
      • Test method discussion
      • Test case creation
      • Compare automation tool with Orangutan
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • Power consumption task:
      • Test method discussion
      • Test case creation
      • Compare automation tool with Orangutan
      • Power tool sharing
    • Branch management discussion
  • Merge debug setting tools
  • bug work
  • mtbf_operation script refactor
  • Prepare Portland ww sessions

-- backlog --

  • Modifying crash report patch based on review (pending to b2gDevice in mozbase)
  • Followup live test run stream
  • Datazilla integration
  • Chaos Monkey for b2g (random process killer)
  • Memory stress test
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14):
    • Finished cost control automation
    • MozTrap Enhancements: plan addon features
    • [MozTrap] Added bulk suite edit
    • Practiced App with persistence.
    • Setup Skype chat bot
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • [MozTrap] Improve frontend JS performance
    • Contribute to automation test
    • Prepare persistence sharing
    • Study ScreenSharingAPI and SyncAPI
    • --backlog--
      • [MozTrap] Uplift JS performance fix to master branch
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14)
    • Study productivity bugs.
    • Practice writing Gaia UI test.
    • Practice write/run FxOS app.
    • Setup Marionette JS environment.
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • Prepare for V2.2 productivity
    • Practice Marionette JS test cases
    • Practice write/run FxOS app.
    • Learn about node.js.
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14):
    • Taking care of Bugs
      • Bug 1077292 - [MTBF][B2G] Phone shutdown due to high power consumption and chopped charging
      • Bug 1092924 - [MTBF][B2G] B2G crashed due to oom or other related issues.
      • Bug 1081577 - [Performance][Dialer] lmk.js is wrong in Flame base image
      • Bug 1094070 - [MTBF][B2G][Camera][Media Server] black camera screen with buttons
    • Restruct
    • Discussion of lab issues
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21):
    • Taking care of Bugs
      • Bug 1077292 - [MTBF][B2G] Phone shutdown due to high power consumption and chopped charging
        • Help T2M with issues
      • Bug 1092924 - [MTBF][B2G] B2G crashed due to oom or other related issues.
        • Help T2M with setting up environment
      • Bug 1081577 - [Performance][Dialer] lmk.js is wrong in Flame base image
        • lmk.js experiments (some more issues)
      • Bug 1094070 - [MTBF][B2G][Camera][Media Server] black camera screen with buttons
        • Reproduced in v180 v184 v188 and log provided.
    • Restruct
      • Combo Runner restruct done
      • MTBF restruct in process
William Hsu
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14)
    • [Device] Assist Tako related stuffs
      • Assign Tako unsolved bugs to developers and stakeholders.
      • Tako v2.1 sync-up meeting with partners (11/11)
      • Discussing Tako's test plan with Tony
    • [Device] Assist Flame related stuffs
      • Gaia UI test on v2.0 Build
      • Discuss v2.1 branch management and file related documentations
      • v2.0 Bug verification (verifyme)
    • Others,
      • Meetings with Tony
      • Personal leave: 11/10.
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • [Device] Assist Tako related stuffs
      • Assign Tako unsolved bugs to developers and stakeholders.
      • Coach Marigold for flashing Tako device.
    • [Device] Assist Flame related stuffs
      • Gaia UI test on v2.0 Build
      • Create jobs (Jenkins) for v2.1 Branch - Automation tests
      • Gaia UI test on v2.1 Build
      • v2.0 Bug verification (verifyme)
    • Others,
      • Team building
Hermes cheng
  • Week W46 (11/10~11/14)
    • familiar with env and set up working Env including Desktop & notebook
      • try to build by myself (failed now)
      • set up automated test env and try some gaia UI/integration tests (marionette)
    • meeting with Tony
      • start to study assigned V2.2 features
  • Week W47 (11/17~11/21)
    • keep studying automated testing and try some existing test cases from MozTrap? (marionette)
    • keep studying assigned V2.2 features
      • clarify my questions on Bugzilla