Firefox OS/TWQA/2014-08-25WeeklyReport

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Name Done Plan
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29):
    • QA Charts clean up code, move to TWQA
    • Verification of v2.1 landed features
    • Voice mail test case clean up
  • Week W36 (09/01~09/05):
    • Sign off v2.1 landed features
    • Take over Dialer, Contacts features from Johan
    • Create test cases for bug 877971
    • Create test cases for bug 1042591
    • Smoketest support for 9/1, 9/2
William Hsu

Week W35 (08/25~08/29)

  • [Routine] Bug replication, submission, and verification.
    1. 15 bugs from the time of the writing of this (Ref:
  • [Device] Assist device testing - Dolphin
    1. Combination testing ( Ref: )
    2. Follow issues of 3rd party app (Ref:
  • [Device] Assist device testing - Tako
    1. Gaia UI test
    2. Study documentation of Tako flash tool (33 pages)
    3. Weekly meeting, and answer partner's inquiries in private.
  • Others,
    1. Help A-team to identify GU's problems
    2. Coach Cynthia, and help her take over Gaia UI test report

Week W36 (09/01~09/05)

  • [Device] Assist device testing - Dolphin
    1. Combination testing ( Ref: )
  • [Device] Assist device testing - Tako
    1. Gaia UI test
    2. Set up IIS server for Tako Flash tool (Server side)
    3. Install Tako flash tool and collect license key request (Client side)
  • Others,
    1. One day PTO (9/5)
    2. Collect system information (shipped devices) for Mozilla metrics team
Mike Lien
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29):
    • Categorize test cases from version tags
    • Monkey test implementation
    • Refine test case P1 priority
    • Test case mind map creation
  • Week W36 (09/01~09/05):
    • Categorize test cases from version tags
    • Test case mind map creation
    • Flame KK base image verification
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29)
    • Finish CI setup
    • Finish Orangutan framework
    • Start QA wiki page for Device QA
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29)
    • v2.1 create test case - bug1035250 - Show connectivity status in FTE
    • v2.1 create test case - bug1026098 - Skip time and timezone setting when network time available
    • v2.1 create test case - bug1024776 - Support for EU Internet APN
    • Verification of v2.1 landed features
  • Week W36
    • v2.1 Finish creating test case - bug1024776 - Support for EU Internet APN
    • Start to test bug 1023818 - [User Story][Lockscreen] Taking action on lock screen notifications
    • Start to test bug 903683 - [Settings][User Story] 24 hour time format
    • Verify 2.1 bugs
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29)
    • Support 2.0 Woodduck Test Run 1 (
    • Take care of Gaia UI test report (Flame v2.0 / v2.1)
    • Verification of v2.1 landed features

  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29)
    • Bugs verification
    • Verification of v2.1 landed features
    • [NFC] Test P2P cases with SE SIM card for 2.1
    • [NFC] NXP's NFC reader training
    • [Devices] Test mount/unmount SD card user stories (bug 908916, bug 945642)
  • Week W36 (09/01~09/05)
    • Bugs verification
    • Sign off v2.1 landed features
    • Smoketest support for 9/1, 9/2
    • [Devices] Test Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) (bug 922927)
    • [Ringtones] Test transfer ringtones from SD card to ringtones folder (bug 1027995)
    • [NFC] Test tap-to-pay user story (bug 979152)
    • Develop the combo-runner framework.
    • Refactoring the scripts of MTBF/CI.
    • Prepare the slides of Git Tips.
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29):
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29):
    • Verify 2.1 bugs list
    • [Prod] Test/ verify sprint 3 tickets
    • Test of Email sends in background and Automatic Sending of Emails in Outbox
  • Week W36
    • Testing of send email in background
    • Verified sprint 3 tickets
    • Review task switcher behavior
    • Testing of Email signature
    • Testing of Calendar - Auto changed date/time
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29):
    • Execute Woodduck 1st test run
    • Follow up Woodduck tasks and issues
    • Follow up OTA/FOTA bugs
    • Woodduck weekly meeting
  • Week W36
    • Execute Woodduck regression test
    • Follow up WOodduck tasks and issues
    • Woodduck weekly meeting
    • Plan Woodduck Automatic testing.
  • Week W35
    • 1. Bug work
    • 2. Finished 10+ test cases
    • 3. Review pr
    • 4. other meetings and new stuffs
    • 5. Communication
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29):
    • Prepare report of w34 mtbf run
    • Reply partner's mtbf issues
    • Script for query crash number
  • Review test case patches
  • Lab scale-up plan
  • Feedback arima for browser test cases

-- backlog --

  • Followup live test run stream
  • Datazilla integration
  • Integrating crash number module with mtbf driver
  • Bug fix for in-testcase logging
  • Draw figure to intro. mtbf
  • Week W35 (08/25~08/29):
    • Set up environments
    • Open accounts
    • Finished new-hire-related tasks
  • Week W36 (09/01~09/05):
    • Get familiar with various test tools
    • Learn how to flash phones
    • Smoketest
    • Study gaia-ui-test
    • Study Bugzilla/MozTrap
Example Example Example
Example Example Example