Firefox OS Data Sync/Scrum/fxos-s7

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Sprint dates


  • Start: September 7th
  • End: September 18th


  • August 7th (FxOS-S4) DONE. First proof of concept for data synchronization via Kinto. FxOS <-> FxOS only. Using Firefox Sync crypto algorithm. Demo:
  • August 21st (FxOS-S5) MISSED. Passwords Manager
  • September 18th (FxOS-S7). Passwords Manager
  • September 18th (FxOS-S7). Cross product (Desktop <-> Android <-> FxOS) history and passwords Sync (READ ONLY).
  • October 16th (FxOS-S9). Cross product (Desktop <-> Android <-> FxOS) history and passwords Sync (READ/ONLY). Feature complete.
  • November 2nd (FxOS-S10). Code complete.

List of bugs

Issues for this sprint

For the Syncto sub-project:

Full Query
ID Summary Component Resolution Assigned to Depends on Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g Feature b2g Target milestone
1168160 Sync state machine Sync FIXED Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] 824026, 1196096 2.5+ --- FxOS-S7 (18Sep)
1191776 Crypto library for Syncto client Sync FIXED Michiel de Jong [:michielbdejong] 1196232 824026 [partner-cherry-picked<2015/11/10>] --- --- FxOS-S7 (18Sep)
1196096 SyncManager in System app. Gaia::System FIXED Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] 1168160, 1196232, 1202342 824026 [partner-cherry-pick] --- 2.5+ FxOS-S7 (18Sep)
1196239 Sync engine for sync app Sync FIXED Michiel de Jong [:michielbdejong] 1198637 1195647, 1202627 [partner-cherry-picked<2015/11/10>] --- 2.5+ FxOS-S7 (18Sep)
1202342 Expose getAssertions to the System app. FxA FIXED Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] 1196096 --- --- FxOS-S7 (18Sep)
1202383 Use build time preprocessor to enable/disable Sync on System Sync FIXED Fernando Jiménez Moreno [:ferjm] 1191770 824026, 1211833 [partner-cherry-pick] --- --- FxOS-S7 (18Sep)

6 Total; 6 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

For the CloudStorage sub-project:

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);



Actions taken from last sprint

Things that went well

Things that went not that well

Actions for this sprint