Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2019-04-15

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: April 15th, 2019

Key Dates (Upcoming)

  • April 15 - IHR Sneak Peak & Gameshow @ 9am PST/12pm EST/5pm CET on AirMo
  • April 17 - NYC Internet Health Report official launch in New York
  • April 18 - Full Fellowships application opens!
  • April 19 - Openness Survey closes at EOD
  • Apr 24 - 2019 Internet Health Report release
  • Apr 24 - Leadership Development Day (Executive and Directors in NYC)
  • Apr 25-26 - Strategy Retreat in NYC
  • Apr 30 - MoFo Monthly Call
  • April 30 - Responsible Computer Science Challenge Stage I Public Announcement (Adjusted date)
  • May 1 - Creative Media Awards RFP opens
  • May 7-9 - MozFest Retreat in Barcelona
  • June 18-21 - MoFo All Hands in Toronto
  • Monthly open org-wide OKR calls (optional)
    • April 15 - Reach
    • April 17 - Revenue
    • April 29 - Theme
    • April 29 - Org Health

What's Moving This Week (and who to contact with questions)

  • Content Development/Planning for IHR launch, Campaigns/Mozfest support (Anil)
  • MozFest Retreat agenda planning (Sarah A)
  • OLE Workflow documentation & DARCI definitions (Steph W)
  • Developing roadmap & value exchange for new version of Open Leaders (Chad & Abby)
  • Sharing an update re: AI impact goal theory of change for feedback (Sam, Sarah W, Mark)
  • Preparing for public comment phase of AI impact goal theory of change (Sam, Abdoul)
  • Officially launch for the NYC Internet Health Report on Weds! (Meghan, with support from Sam & Jairus)
  • Countdown on IHR launch next week -- putting all the final touches on content (Solana), design (Kasia) and events (Jairus)
  • Preparing for the next phase of the Data & Metrics Working Group collaboration (Arliss)
  • Strategy Retreat preparations (Jenn and Michelle leading 2 of the three initiatives we will discuss)
  • Ongoing review of fellowship LOIs + launching the full fellowship applications; Reviewing science mini-grants applications (Fellowships & Awards team)
  • Mini-campaign sneak peek message and staff prospecting follow-up (Juan)
  • Finalizing initial 2018 audit submission - lots of spreadsheets and documents (Angela/T&T/Ruzanna)
  • Continuing interviews with VP, Leadership candidates (Mark)
  • Debrief with directors on 2019 team planning process to inform 2020 planning (Paul)
  • Initial program design for June All Hands (Lainie)

Notes from the last Executive Team weekly meeting

  • To be added ASAP (the call was today)

Job Openings

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