Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2019-07-08

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: July 8th, 2019

Key Dates (Upcoming)

  • July 8 - Science Mini Grant Public Announcement (Kevin, Lindsey)
  • July 9-10 - Board retreat (Berlin)
  • July 11-12 - Executive team meeting (Berlin)
  • July 12 - Deadline for MoFo Engagement Survey
  • July 16 - Responsible Computer Science Challenge Awardees - In-Person Orientation/Kick Off Meeting @ SF office
  • July 24 - MoFo Monthly Call
  • August 1 - MozFest Call for Proposals closes
  • August 1 - OLX Applications close
  • September TBD - Strategy Retreat

What's Moving This Week (and who to contact with questions)

  • Finalizing team OKRs (all)
  • AI Convening over the next two days in Berlin with external partners and board members (Mark)
  • Prep for MoFo monthly call, OKR 3 call, and MozFest press event (Communications team)
  • MozFest book (Kristina, Kevin, and Sarah)
  • MozFest tech spec (Marc)
  • OLX curriculum scoping (Abby and Chad)
  • Finalizing the OLX application and review process in Fluxx (Kalpana)
  • PNI reminder email, donate stack progress, site CMS & content tweaks (Engagement)
  • Preparing for the next mini-campaign and finishing up grant proposals (Partnerships)
  • Finalizing single audit samples, updating grants and fellow expenses with May actuals (Ruzanna)

Notes from the last Executive Team weekly meeting

  • Board prep - Discussed board materials and building a narrative around impactful work in H2 to drive towards helping us achieve our org-wide OKRs.
  • Monthly OKR calls - Decided to move to every other month calls for our org-wide OKRs in H2, and discussed potential case studies to feature on July calls. We’ll still provide top-level updates on the monthly MoFo call and complete monthly reporting in the OKR dashboard.

Job Openings

  • Currently in case study stage for the following roles:
    • VP, Leadership
    • Director, Leadership Programs
    • Director of Operations

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