Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2019-08-05

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: August 5th, 2019

Key Dates (Upcoming)

  • Aug 23 - Quarterly MOSS Review with Mitchell (Mehan, Jessica, Lindsey, Kalpana)
  • August 28 - Monthly MoFo Call (Lotta)
  • September 16 - Creative Media Award Public Announcement (Jenn)
  • September 18-19 - Strategy Retreat (Lainie)

Reminder that you can access the MoFo PTO calendar here or in Google Calendar go to "Other calendars" then "Subscribe" then search for MoFo PTO calendar

What's Moving This Week (and who to contact with questions)

  • Strategy Retreat planning (Lainie)
  • Engagement survey analysis (Paul)
  • Final Cohort Fellows Selection (Janice)
  • Fellows Onboarding and MozFest Planning (Fellowships & Awards team)
  • Fellows Contracting (Lindsey and Ann Marie)
  • MozFest 2020 planning (OLE)
  • OLX application review & curriculum development (Chad & Abby)
  • MozFest tickets communications (Kristina G)
  • Planning meeting with Aleron in Toronto including next steps on healthy AI theory of change; recruitment for leadership positions (Mark & Angela)
  • Prep for Audit Committee meeting (Angela)
  • Preparing campaign resources – approval on Stealing UR Feelings, follow ups for Amazon, YouTube, and Venmo (Campaigns team)
  • Review Create Media Award awardees and their projects to finalize grant agreements (Kalpana)
  • Marketing campaign and grant proposal prep (Partnerships team)

Notes from the last Executive Team weekly meeting

  • 2020 planning - We are in the process of expanding the scope of work for Aleron, the consulting firm that is working with us on a project focused on organizational effectiveness and impact measurement. Over the next few weeks, Mark and others will be working with them on a refreshed strategy overview (2-3 pager) that incorporates our work and thinking around healthy AI.
  • Strategy Retreat - The September Strategy retreat will take place the week of Sept 16 near San Francisco. It is an important kick-off of our annual planning process. During the retreat, we’ll build on the refreshed strategy overview and flesh out our AI theory of change with specific outcomes and activities to inform our work over the next three or so years. Ultimately, this will help us get more clear around our intended impact and how we’ll get there, and it will also help us narrow an important gap that currently lies between our theory of change and our OKRs. The outputs from this retreat will serve as guidance for more detailed 2020 planning with the rest of the org. Directors nominated participants from their teams and the executive team finalized the list which includes all directors and a handful of others from across the organization. We will share a list of all participants when confirmed and more details via email soon.

Job Openings

  • Currently in case study stage for the following roles:
    • VP, Leadership
    • Director, Leadership Programs
    • Director, Operations

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