Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2019-08-12

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: August 12th, 2019

Key Dates (Upcoming)

  • Aug 23 - Quarterly MOSS Review with Mitchell (Mehan, Jessica, Lindsey, Kalpana)
  • August 28 - Monthly MoFo Call (Lotta)
  • September 16 - Creative Media Award Public Announcement (Jenn)
  • September 18-19 - Strategy Retreat (Lainie)

Reminder that you can access the MoFo PTO calendar here or in Google Calendar go to "Other calendars" then "Subscribe" then search for MoFo PTO calendar

What's Moving This Week (and who to contact with questions)

  • Strategy Retreat and 2020 planning (Lainie)
  • Engagement survey analysis (Paul)
  • Fellows Onboarding and MozFest Planning (Fellowships & Awards team)
  • MozFest 2020 planning (OLE)
  • Next steps on healthy AI theory of change (Mark & Angela)
  • Marketing campaign and grant proposal prep (Partnerships team)
  • Working with Luminate for potential 2020 partnership funding; Preparing campaign resources – approval on Stealing UR Feelings, follow ups for Amazon, YouTube, and Venmo (Campaigns team)
  • Preparing proposal for IHR companion to 2019 Holiday Buyers' Guide (IHR team)
  • Analyzing responses to feedback survey on MoFo FLEX (Sam)
  • H2 Planning, Pulse UI work, Blog improvements, campaign/fundraising planning (Engagement)

Notes from the last Executive Team weekly meeting

  • 2020 Board Meetings - Discussed the cadence of board meetings for 2020 in an effort to plan ahead.
  • Strategy Retreat - Discussed inviting participants from MoCo, to bring in some added issue expertise and increase alignment across our work. It’s been impactful in the past having folks from MoCo join our strategy retreat (Chris Riley and Miriam Avery attended in the past). More details about the retreat will come soon.
  • Mid-year goals check-in - Michael Aukland joined the second half of the call to discuss the approach to our first mid-year goals check-in as part of our annual performance review process. This will be focused on our individual priorities between now and the end of the year and will take place as part of regular 1:1s with direct managers. Michael and Lainie will be finalizing the guidance and template and will set up time with managers to review the process and deliverables in more detail. These will most likely happen end of August through Mid-September.

Job Openings

  • Currently in case study stage for the following roles:
    • VP, Leadership
    • Director, Leadership Programs
    • Director, Operations

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