Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2020-01-20

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Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: January 20, 2020

Key Dates

What's Moving This Week

  • All Hands prep, reach out to Lainie with any questions about the program for the week
  • A few fellows will be joining us at All Hands next week. Richard Whitt, Oleg Zhilin, Anouk Ruhaaak, Guillaume Chaslot and Joshua Meyer (a new Voice Fellow we're in the process of contracting) will be around all week. Francesco Lapenta, Harriet Kingaby, and Leil Mortada will be joining for the day on Wednesday.
  • All Hands prep, Outreach 2020 brainstorm, editorial plan for Q1 (Insights, Internet Health Report)
  • Mark will be in Brussels for CPDP this week meeting with many European partners
  • Jan 21 Mozilla is co-hosting a meeting in Europe for foundations working on AI in Europe. Reach out to Sarah W with questions
  • On-going board recruitment work, reach out to Sarah W with questions or recommendations
  • OLE February newsletter content being written up, if you have anything you'd like us to share w/ community, ping Kristina G.
  • Closing year end books and compiling data analysis for All Hands (Partnerships)

Minutes From the Last Executive Team Weekly Meeting

  • The executive team met in NYC last week to review draft team plans (all 300+ activities!) - outcomes and next steps will be shared with directors this week.
  • In addition, there were discussions re: planning for the board finance committee meeting, prep for the Feb board meeting, and continued work on the 2020 budget.

Job Openings

  • Currently in offer stage for Program Officer, Fellowships & Awards
  • Final interviews are beginning for Content Marketer

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