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  • NOTE: Meeting is in the B2G Vidyo room now!
  • Note: public holidays in the UK Monday & Tuesday (4th & 5th)
  • Welcome Ben & Jed from Identity, going to demo
  • Welcome to Milestone 4


Action Items from Last week

  • Carry-over: Dietrich will get FM Radio specs from TF UX PM (DONE - )
  • Carry-over: UX needs details about software update. Josh is digging into it.
  • Carry-over: UX needs badging ability. Josh is going to file a bug in Bugzilla. Fabrice said he had a low-bar option.
  • Carry-over: QA: Need to know when features have landed. Starting this week, Dietrich and Kevin will keep the Smoketest column in the M3 spreadsheet up to date.

Status Updates

Firefox Browser (Ben, Dale, Larissa)

Camera (DJF, Frank)

  • Any update on Camera API?
  • Is there UI/UX implementation/polish than can be done even though API is not ready?
  • Yes, but I just haven't had the cycles. Dale will probably be helping with this.

Calendar (James, Frank)

  • Did you get Dan up to speed? Conversed via email last week, added some github issues on for calendar last week in relation.
  • Wrapping up CI stuff working to land early version of calendar late this week/early next week in gaia.
  • [Josh]: Calendar: Pop up event preview bubbles [P2]- POSTPONED

Clock (Ian, Tim, Frederico, Frank Lee)

  • [Josh] New requirements were sent out yesterday (Monday June 4):
  • [Ian] Implement a prototype layout for alarm feature and integrate with WebAPI of alarm if ready.
  • [Ian] Plan to have a conception of hour/minute increments widget.
  • Tim, are we tracking attention screen separately or here?
  • [Tim] attention screen a feature relying a yet-to-land platform bug. We should track it in Dialer with Etienne
  • Any progress by Frederico?
  • Josh, did you get a TF UX person hooked up on this?
  • [Josh] Yes, Frank Lee is on this and has reached out to their team. To best of my knowledge he has not heard back yet.
  • [Ian]
    • Sent a pull request to fixed #1508.
    • Implement a prototype layout for alarm feature and try to integrate with WebAPI of alarm if ready.
    • Ready layout part as following:
    • Have another tap for alarm feature in clock app.
    • Can create and edit multiple alarms setting
    • Can set the functions of Repeat/Ringtone/Enable/Snooze/Label/Time for alarm.
    • Can display and summary(Label/Time) for each alarms.
    • Maintain user’s alarms with indexedDB.
    • Refine the prototype layout flow to fit the new spec and pull a request in this week.
  • [Josh] New requirements were sent out yesterday (Monday June 4):

Contacts (Etienne, Josh)

  • Bugfix for the "double edit"
  • [Josh] Awaiting confirmation w/ TF of strategy going forward.
  • [Josh] Received email from TF stating they're taking lead on implementation, with assist from Etienne.

Dialer (Etienne, Josh)

  • Talk with TF about them taking over the communication apps.
  • [Josh] Same as Contacts

Email (Andrew, Nekr, Casey, Donovan)

  • Gave demo yesterday at the M3 show-and-tell. Showed the revamped UI creating (an existing) Yahoo IMAP account, showing the contents of the folder, sending a message (it did show up eventually!), and saw a new messages sent by Chris Jones.
  • The plan is to issue a pull request (to be reviewed by Vivien) asap; TCPSocket is not landed quite yet (but should be soon), but there is a fake account implemented that can provide a limited experience of using the UI, although the fake account is not supposed to have 100% reality.
  • Next steps are to finish implementing flag mutation support (mark message read, star messages) in the back-end and UI. After that is folder moves, which also includes moving to trash. The back-end already supports mutation to a limited extent (necessitated by unit tests), but properly persisting them, generating local speculative database changes, providing undo support, and generally avoiding data-loss will be a bit more work. Hoping for this working by Monday.
  • Have a contact at Yahoo for server IMAP questions thanks to David Bienvenu of the Thunderbird team.
  • TCPSocket looks ready to land now -- cjones said to do the out-of-process work in another patch (Great news)

FM Radio (Pin, TF?, Frederico/Hernan?)

  • ( [Pin] My network is really bad, can not connect to Vidyo room, because of the SCO summit in China maybe, -_-!! )
  • [Pin] Updated the IDL of WebFM API, and implemented it including the antenna part.
  • [Steven] resolved the problem of audio.
  • We will start to integrate our works, and the gaia part, still be waiting for the specs.
  • [Josh] Frank will be the UX point person on this, working with the contributor team in Argentina. Have asked Frank to connect w/ everyone.

Gallery (David, Frank)

  • Getting up to speed with the gallery / video / camera apps
  • Gallery now reads files from device storage. I'm working on getting this landed with some way to push sample photos to the phone for demo purposes. Ideally, we can do this same thing for music and video, too.
  • I want to write a DeviceStorageDB utiltity that uses the DeviceStorage and IndexedDB APIs together and handles scanning and updates correctly. Hopefully this will be useful for all of the media apps.
  • [Josh]: Gallery: Aspect Ratio locks for Cropping [P2] - POSTPONED
  • [Josh]: Gallery: Additional Photo Effects (not B&W or Sepia) [P2] - POSTPONED
  • [Josh]: Gallery: Fancier Borders (not the plain ones) [P2] - POSTPONED

Home (Vivien, Josh)

Lock Screen (Tim, Josh)

  • [Tim] Lock screen landed according to v1 wireframe, not compete yet
  • [Tim] Emergency screen is under discussion
  • [Josh] Have proposed basic keypad implementation. Awaiting TF confirmation.
  • [Tim] Camera will be implemented as a
  • [Josh] Tim, can you explain this piece?
  • [Tim] Just that we are not embedding Camera app on lockscreen, but providing the feature directly in System app instead Gotcha :)
  • PS actually Lock Screen is part of the System if there is a system section down there.

Marketplace (Cvan, Krupa, Maria)

  • [Josh] Maria has been on PTO, and is now taking a few sick days. Hopefully back later this week or next.

Music (Dominic, DJF, Frank, Donovan)

  • [Dominic] Could not join the meeting due to network issue
    • New arch & code design of the Music app, rewrite code.
      • Implemented the three views of the Music app. (#1549)
    • Check Device Storage API status and get related documentation.
  • [djf] I'm happy to work with Dominic and Donovan as needed on DeviceStorage
  • [Donovan] I have been working on an abstraction library over the OGG metadata parser and this mp3 metadata parser library:
  • It is MIT license open source
  • I hope to be done this week
  • [Josh]: Music: Tapping squares on montage to play in place [P2]- POSTPONED
  • [Josh]: Music: Equalizer effect on Pause button [P2]- POSTPONED
  • [Josh]: Music: Missing Album Art generator [P2]- POSTPONED

SMS & MMS (Steve Chung, Casey)

  • Refine SMS contact and message query (#1534).
  • Modify the search functionality to content search.
  • Comm app Discussion(Should we fit their layout or keep our wireframe?).
  • [Josh] Same as Contacts

Video (DJF, Frank)

  • I'll be converting this to use DeviceStorage soon.
  • [Josh]: Video: Show last played keyframe on thumbnails [P2]- POSTPONED
  • [Josh]: Video: Media Jog Dial [P2]- POSTPONED


  • Activities (Etienne, Casey)
  • ActiveSync (Asuth)
  • Apps
  • Install (Tim, Josh, Dan)
  • Permissions (Tim, Josh, Ricardo)
  • Management (Vivien, Josh, Carlo, Dan)
  • Updates (Tim, Josh, Ricardo)
  • Uninstall (Vivien, Josh, Ricardo)
  • Reinstall (?, Maria, Josh)
  • [Josh] Casey is jumping in to help on these pieces, as I'm blocking on this.
  • Bluetooth File Transfer (Kyle, Casey, Marco)
  • UX Building Blocks (Etienne, Pavel, Josh, Frank)
  • [Josh] Must complete this week. Then goes TF for their input, and Casey/Etienne for authoring, feasibility approval, and modularization.
  • Consumption Control (devs?, Casey, Carlo, Rafael)
  • Date, Time, Time zones & Number formats (Vivien, Casey, Ricardo)
  • File Management (DJF, Casey, Frank)
  • There's not a UX requirement for this , is there? [Lco] Check with Cyee and Flee about the UX requirement
  • dougt is working on DeviceStorage
  • dhylands is working on UMS
  • thinker is working on MTP ( I think)
  • The bluetooth people (qdot?) are aware of the bluetooth file transfer requirement
  • First Run Experience (Tim, Maria, Josh, Larissa, Carlo, Ricardo)
  • Flexible UI (Pavel, Etienne, Arnau, Casey)
  • The b2g desktop client now has a --screen option for testing apps and different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Hardware Recommendations (Larissa, Josh, Marco)
  • Identity (Francisco, Fernando, Larissa)
  • Keyboard & Text-Handling (Rudy, Tim, Casey, Ricardo, Yuan, Wenbin)
  • [Tim] Japanese IME is on halt due to license clearification - is BSD compabile with license of Gaia (under Apache?)
  • [Rudy]
  • Pull request #1512, Add 2 Keyboard layouts for Spanish (Latin America) & Portuguese (Brazil)
    • Support "middle mode" for accent menu
    • To make symbol layouts localized for each keyboard layout
      • Support composite key for special character input
    • Start to implement IndexedDB-based dictionary for performance checking
  • Keyboard settings in the Personalization Settings Spec complete:
  • Localization & Internationalization (Fabien, Casey, Larissa)
  • Loc. & Intl. settings in the Personalization Settings Spec complete:
  • [staś]: I'll be the contact person from the l10n-drivers team for gaia 1.0 localization
  • this week: agree and finalize the l10n approach that can benefit from our current l10n infrastructure
  • I'll be monitoring the commits, but feel free to ping me (stas on IRC or if you have any questions or doubts about strings or designs that you're landing
  • Notifications (Etienne, Josh, Carlo, Rafael)
  • [Josh]
  • Performance (Cjones, Casey, Ricardo)
  • Privacy (?, Larissa, Marco)
  • Security (?, Lucas, Josh, Cjones)
  • Settings
  • Personalization Settings Spec complete:
  • Connectivity Settings Spec will be updated today
  • Status Bar
  • [Tim] Received spec, investgate feasibility of each status icon right now
  • [Tim] Will start working soon!
  • System Updater
  • Fullscreen Support

Visual Design: Graphics (Patryk)

  • Created a visual design section on the wiki with graphic tracking docs which Dietrich or myself will track
  • Publish templates for white and dark apps for devs, will post to the wiki today
  • Continue work on application icons, homescreen and action icons to be reviewed with Brand, and UX stake holders later this week / early next week.

Visual Design: Misc (Patryk)

  • Animations - Deferred currently, till we have homescreen, app layouts ready.
  • Sound - Will have more info next week, meeting with Carlo from TEF who apparently has a resource.
  • Font - In progress, spec definition, meeting about this today.
  • Wallpapers - Deferred currently, till we have homescreen, app layouts ready.

Supporting Components

  • Form Elements
  • Dialog Elements
  • System Styling
  • Content Permissions
  • Flex UI Methods
  • Activities (Intents)

QA (John, Tony)

  • Discussion: resolving fixed bugs before closing them in github issues -- QA to close them after verifying on daily builds
  • what to do about pull requests? (can't add labels)
  • John - focus on flashing appsboot /kernel to new phones
  • Vetting Daily build (plus validation on weekly)
  • New (high-level) testcases available for dialer, browser, camera. Email testcases started)

Developer Docs (sheppy)

  • sheppy will be leading developer docs for B2G and Gaia (but will have had to leave this meeting early today so someone else please read this off for me)
  • Please feel free to ping him in IRC or at with any docs concerns
  • Don't forget to mark developer-facing bugs with dev-doc-needed keyword!
  • The setup/build/install docs are getting completely overhauled and rewritten. Will be requesting a review later today or tomorrow.

Automation (mdas)

  • Perf database is now available! Spending time today on testing against it and making sure it's ready for use.


  • khu: New gaia member at Taipei office: "Alive Kuo".
  • chofmann: marking apps as string-frozen