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  • Welcome to Milestone 5: Fit, finish and fabulous. Focus is on bug fixes, performance optimizations and visual completeness.
  • Unit tests and code review: Unit tests are required for landings. Code reviewers, you should deny r+ for patches without tests! Documentation:
  • Estimation: Go over your blocker list, and add labels per the emails sent. Dashboards showing not enough estimation so far.
  • Devices and sim cards
  • No meeting next week
  • QA daily smoketest reports



QA (John Hammink, Tony, Naoki, Matt, John Shih)

  • Creating metrics (passed, failed,unimplemented, cumulative) for gaia

Unifying tests under gaia apps test log: and gaia system test log

Automation (mdas)

  • work is progressing for Eideticker-B2G, (measure FPS and other fancy performance stuff) Will be working against a pandaboard
  • Datazilla has been updated and moved to production, o I need to modify the performance test harness accordingly and have them run with the latest working emulators.

Status Updates

Firefox Browser (Ben, Dale, Larissa, Naoki)

Dale here: I will not make the call today Spent last week on various minor fixes and debugging OOP issues that are blocking, got some work done on Clear Private Data (still blocked) and implemented crashed tabs.

Calendar (James Michal, Frank)

    • -> Convert over to latest building blocks <-
    • Wrap up the rest of the UI
    • Recurring Events
    • Notification Support
    • Add/Event Events
  • Last Week
    • Improved/Landed Overlapping Time Logic
    • Visual Design Improvements & Calendar Coloring

Camera (Dale, Frank) (again no camera to work on) Same status as last week, my test device broke and have been attempting to get a working replacement, I have a replacement now and will be catching up on last weeks sprint from today.

    • Fully Feature Complete, last visual dev applied
    • Video recording is blocked
    • [JC] Open question on digital zoom feature. CLee to check w/ DColoma re: inclusion in v1.
    • [clee]: As discussed, Dale will implement basic zooming.
  • Last Week
  • Visual design:
    • [PA] Need to do a unification pass, add flash and filter support
* David implemented webActivities support
* Completion not blocked
    • Blocked on working camera
    • Confirmed: not doing HW buttons for v1.
    • Filters interface UX needs to be reviewed

Clock (Ian, Frederico, Frank Lee)

    • Refine Clock selection page by select tag.(Reuse value selector, Pull request #3642)
    • Refine Clock attention page to fit new visual design.
    • Other visual and bugs fixing in detail.
    • Peter is going to harmonize visual design of in-flow time selector w/ the modal version that TEF visual design team has created.
  • Last Week
    • Investigate Bug 778300: Clock App alarm doesn't sound when run OOP
    • Fixed issue#3055 [clock] the indicator in status bar of alarm doesn’t disappear after turn off the alarm.

Contacts (Alberto, Etienne, Josh, Ayman's specs, Steve's visual design)

Mail web activities, the call from contacts is in place but email is not opening the correct compose window. (This is actually not a blocker, but we should track it) NOTES

  • New specs from Ayman sent out (v5) Sunday night, 8/5.
  • Last Week
  • Added fixed headers UI (reusable for Dialer and SMS)
  • Patch to support non-ASCII characters properly
  • Import SIM contacts working
  • Bug fixing (of course :))
  • Finish the work with webactivities, both the ones we provide plus the ussage of the gallery one and email.
  • Integrating contacts with dialer (omg!) waiting for multiple entry points being enabled with activities.(Already integrated in a local branch, copying the contacts app inside the dialer during the building process)
  • Use web activities for picking the photo from the gallery
    • Working in favorites, refactoring pull effect, adding extra fields and the search functionality
    • Minor VsD tweaks ongoing.

Dialer (Etienne, Josh, German, Fernando, Ayman's specs, Steve's visual design)

    • Multiple calls visuals landed
    • The Dialer in now OOP \o/

Incoming call in Lock screen (swipe gesture to receive the call) already implemented


Polish polish polish :) <-- yeah Adapt call log to latest IxD still ongoing. As German has come back from Holidays he will continue with this task, adding the carrier field in this functionality and other missing things as improvements in edit mode and transitions.

  • This week
    • Visuals for multiple call support (Erik is working on it, several main screens were delivered to Etienne --> landed
    • Issue 3033: Lock screen + Active call -> unblocked
      • Flagged Rafa + Ayman in email + issue CC, 8/5, for UX.
      • Flagged CLee to comment on feature importance for v1. I believe it's must-have.

Update from TEF on implementation?

    • Call waiting:
      • Ayman handling
      • Good to go? --> yep implemented
      • Sparked ongoing debate over best way to implement Carrier field. Sounds like that's been resolved? --> landed
    • Active Call UI --> visuals coming this week
      • [JC] Nudged Ayman again in 8/6 email to add to Dialer specs as per Status Bar doc.
  • Last Week
    • Performance issue fixed by platform! <- \o/
    • Multiple call POC ok, waiting for visuals
  • Call waiting:
    • [JC] Under debate by PM's for v1 inclusion (see "Call waiting" thread). Have asked Ayman + Erik to proceed with necessary UX, regardless.
  • Active Call status bar overlay
    • Josh: created "Active Call" UI as part of Status Bar doc. Awaiting vet from Ayman.

Email (Andrew (:asuth), Jim Porter (:squib), Casey (:cyee), Steve, Donovan (:fzzzy), Naoki(:nhirata)

  • SPRINT GOALS for 8/31
    • (safe) IMAP message moves, which is basically (safe) deletion to trash folder too.
    • Connection loss recovery, improved error handling.
    • attachments
    • IMAP autoconfiguration using Thunderbird database/heuristics
    • SEE: ActiveSync in System section for more info about e-mail stuff
  • Unlikely for 8/31 now
    • search
    • unified folders
  • Last Week (since 8/14)
    • HTML message display support landed, started towards security review
    • Initial work on connection loss/error handling and IMAP moves/deletion-to-trash (which is a big potential data-loss case)
    • TCPSocket got r+
    • There's a big new discussion on what to call the permission and whether to have two permissions for tcpsocket and relaxed xhr or not

ActiveSync (Jim Porter (:squib), Asuth)

    • (Mostly) complete protocol support for email
  • This week:
    • More improvements to loading/persistence of message lists
    • More cleanup
  • Last week:
    • Support non-Hotmail providers on the backend
    • Improve WBXML generator API
    • Clean up code

FM Radio (Pin)

    • Toggle feature is removed out of v1.
    • Gecko: finish implementation, clean code and submit patches to bugzilla for review. [landed][bug 779500]
    • Gaia: Finish the implementation, work with Casey & Peter to tweak the UI
  • Last Week
    • 90% Complete, just awaiting final layout tweaks with new button positioning
    • [PA] This will have to wait till post 7/20, as other components (app icons) are slipping due to the IxD churn
  • Open issues:
    • Revised IxD: tweaked this week, and it looks good. Confirm final placement of UI elements and have Peter finalize VsD. Try to have complete for Tuesday (keyscreens + assets, if possible) so devs have at least few days to implement for 7/20.
    • FM Radio API thread: appears to have concluded.
    • Steven: Got new patch from Q

Gallery (David):

  • Nearly feature complete now, except for:
    • no video support, since the camera doesn't capture videos yet
    • working with Casey on UX for "scanning"
    • need UX guidance if we're going ot have more instagram-style filters
  • Editing on otoro is blocked on:
  • Lots of nice DeviceStorage features have landed, and I'll be incorporating them into mediadb.js, which will help all the media apps.
  • Working on:
    • OOP breakage
    • memory leaks
    • animation performance
    • visual design tuning

Home (TEF UX, Josh, Cristian, Michal) Scrollable Dock (up to 7 items) alreday implemented and merged by Cristian

  • Last Week

Transitions: Apply opacity from Landing Page to Grid background Landing Page as start-up page and when clicking Home in the Grid Panning code optimitation to reach 50-60 fps Bug fixing

    • Open issues around Search. TF+Moz follow up happening next week.

Lock Screen (Tim, Josh)

    • Complete final thing before v1; confirm transition, polish
    • Nothing
  • Last Week
    • Transitions:
      • Revised version from Rafa mentioned at
        • Confirm Tim has received.
      • [JC] Patryk/Steve: recommend email proposed transitions doc to dev-gaia and solicit feedback re: performance viability, particularly from Chris Jones + Andreas
    • Emergency keypad:
      • Confirmed w/ Tim that it has been implemented as per Erik's mockups.
      • in-review
  • Last Last Week

Marketplace (Cvan, Krupa, Maria)

    • Finishing new designs
    • Scaling up
    • payments (info to and from : kumar, fabrice, fernando)
    • packaged apps (info to and from: rob hudson, jonas, fabrice, cvan)
  • Notes
    • New designs going live on Aug 30th on
  • Last Week

Music (Dominic, DJF, Frank)

PDF Viewer (Josh)

Settings (Kaze, Pavel, Evelyn, Josh)

  • icon visuals applied
  • Bluetooth:
    • discover devices, rename my phone. (reviewing, some platform bugs found)
    • [BLOCKED] pair device is blocked on platform implemetation
  • SIM PIN (on going, need spec update for issue
  • Last week
    • Facebook + Twitter accounts integration
      • Being discussed in email thread. Kaze + Casey + Larissa are looped in. Rafa + Daniel main contacts on TEF side.
    • Common controls
      • Received?
      • Icons were finalized last week by Patryk?
    • Lock screen notification options:
      • There were scope questions last week. Did we get answers?
      • Specs produced?
    • Activities supprt
      • There is email thread in progress re: Settings activities support.
      • Subject: "settings" web activities?
      • Discussing UX flows
    • Extensible architecture
      • Last week Ricardo raised question of extensible architecture. Needed for
        • Facebook + Twitter
        • Contacts import
        • Consumption control / Data controls / top ups
        • What is current status?
   Teathering (bluetooth, usb, wifi)
   need resource assignment

SMS & MMS (Steve Chung, Fernando Campo, Borja, Francisco Jordano) A lot bug fixing Changes done according to the Building Blocks in Edit Mode Live Search alreday implemented Carrier field integration

    • Bug fixing: prefix and threading,
    • SMS bigger than 160 characters cannot be sent.
    • Visuals fine tuning together with UX-Team
    • Transitions
  • This week

Bugs fixing

    • UI polishing.
    • Adding external library for handling different phone number formats issue in gaia.
  • Last Week
    • Known UI bugs fixing.
    • TEF QA testing for more bugs and issues.

Video (Dale, DJF, Josh) Yay got some time

* MediaDB Integration
* MetaData Parsing
* Vis Dev applied
* Bugs fixed
* Last Platform Blockers identified and filed
* BLOCKED ON landing

  • I've listed the UX issues as a mentored bug. But no interest from contributors, yet.
  • cjones has fixed some video playback bugs in the platform.
  • but the app itself is still blocked on Dale and I having more time.
  • Last Week
    • metadata parsing at risk (video titles may not display)
    • saving current play position (bookmarks) at risk
  • Last week:
    • I (Dale) will be applying vis dev shortly, David will work on any MediaDB issues
    • Frank: visual design 90% done
    • I'll convert this app to use MediaDB so it doesn't rescan on each start



  • Error messages
  • Copy writing
    • Josh to connect w/ Matej next week
  • Localization
    • action: Need audit done - dietrich to file issue (8/9)
  • Web activities
    • Josh will chase down individual designers and ask them to report in on that thread.
      • I believe this comment is a couple of weeks old.
    • action: Dietrich will file issues for each app's Web Activities, cc'ing eng + design (8/9)
  • Consumption control
    • Larissa recommended they do a security review
    • action: decision needed about what's shipping in V1 (8/9)
  • System updates
    • action: unblock josh on knowing update model for both app/system updates - see post (8/9)
    • action: enumerate what platform engineering is left (8/9)
  • Passive overlays
    • Typically used for education purposes, as tooltips, hints, etc.
    • As long as they live within apps, we can do X,Y sensitive tooltips.
    • Need to evaluate this as requirement for individual apps
    • tim confirmed can implement as transparent overlays as fullscreen images
    • action: need product call on whether we need this for v1 or not (8/9)
    • action: needs engineering ownership of framework if we decide to ship (8/9)
  • New font for v1
    • opensans for v1 - no action
  • implementation
    • Browser: open new tab
    • Apps: Window Manager spawns window within current app. The shell is defined system-wide. The contents are app specific. Does not spawn new app. Is created
      • Possible edge case: spawning multiple to open multiple sites in background
      • How do we support properties, eg:
        • Width, height, chrome, etc.
    • action: josh has spec, needs to generate wireframe (8/9)
  • Fullscreen API
    • Implicitly granted
    • Explicitly
    • action: needs ux work for permissions UI when web content requests fullscreen (8/9)
  • Haptics
    • There is an API. Easy to add.
    • Will look at tweaking when we get to dogfooding
    • action: none
  • Trustworthy UI
    • Uses navigator.pane (new API)
    • Apps cannot influence the content within.
    • Sytem opens window.
    • We use whitelist to screen
    • Spawned from where?
    • action: none
  • Wrapper
    • One relatively easy solution: Will probably use an activity to open the content into a browser and tell the browser to show certain UI.
    • Maybe do that for v1, and get fancier v2.
    • Check how iPad does this
    • action: none
  • Individual app settings
    • action: none
  • Contributor apps for v1
    • action: remove them
  • Menus + Dialogues
    • action: no action
  • Loading indicators
    • action: tim implementing
  • Transitions
    • action: patryk + steve need to talk to who? post to dev-gaia
  • Building blocks
    • any action

Activities (Etienne, Casey)

  • This week:
    • Tons of application support \o/
    • Vivien implementing
  • Last week:
    • Early stage demo in Barcelona, gaia part almost done Apps


    • Install (Tim, Josh, Dan)
    • Permissions (Tim, Josh, Ricardo)
    • Management (Vivien, Josh, Carlo, Dan)
    • Updates (Tim, Josh, Ricardo)
    • Uninstall (Vivien, Josh, Ricardo)
    • Reinstall (?, Maria, Josh)
  • This week:
  • Last week:
      • When the user deletes an app, how can they restore it? Via Marketplace, or System?
      • Marketplace knows whether you've bought app
      • B2G knows whether an app is installed
      • Could the two sides communicate their respsective data to enable smarter downloading
      • Josh & Maria: work together to uncover above details

Bluetooth File Transfer (Kyle, Casey, Marco)

  • This week:
    • UX pairing specced (per larissa and marcos docs)
    • Casey to touch base with cjones and kyle
    • Have some questions re: Status bar indicator (called out in "Status Bar Update" thread, and latest specs.

Building Blocks (Kaze, Pavel, Josh, Frank, Casey)

  • This week:
    • Pending pull requests to addressed
    • TF working on lists, tabs, filters
    • Moz working on dialogues, pickers, drawers, alerts.
    • Casey: Styling through implementation
    • Casey: Helping andrew to implement email styles
    • Working on IxD+Dev+VsD coordination system.
    • Sergei is on vacation, so need VsD ownership, transforming key screens into canonical versions.
  • Last week:

Consumption Control (Salva and Guillermo (TEF devs), Casey, Carlo, Rafael)

  • This week
    • Marco (TF) working on IxD - updated WF dated: Aug 6th. Now as its own app
    • Technical details are still being discussed
    • Plan is still to combine this into single Utility Tray (along with Quick Settings & Notifications Center)
    • Suggest we break this out into separate.
    • Strategies to handle SMS API

Date, Time, Time zones & Number formats (Vivien, Casey, Ricardo)

    • Larissa: Is in Personalization Settings-- Followed up, looks like there are no loose UX ends

First Run Experience (Tim, Maria, Josh, Larissa, Carlo, Ricardo)

  • This week:
    • meeting this thursday on work-to-date
    • Open issue: Passive overlays: can we use them? Ricardo indicated there was feasibility question from devs. Casey, can you figure out the issue?
    • Flagging this as AT RISK for 7/20. Still haven't gotten agreement about account creation process
  • Last week:
    • Need to revist, now that branding has shifted
    • Jinghua & TEF need to sync up and finalize
    • Moz will not have identity setup in FRE, though TF may. Will discuss with @lco offline with Aymen and Ricardo on specifics of what this looks like.

Hardware Recommendations (Larissa, Josh, Marco)

    • Pamela has confirmed probably no camera button for v1.
    • Casey & Kevin: compile specs and send to Pamela. -- done \o/

Identity (Francisco, Fernando, Larissa)

  • This Week:
    • Account Creation still being discussed this week.
  • Last Week:
    • [lco] No sign-in to device anymore. Need to check with TEF if they have any account creation of their own.
    • The only form of sign in will be in the Marketplace via Bluevia.

Keyboard & Text-Handling (Rudy, Tim, Casey, Ricardo, Yuan, Wenbin, Salva) This week:

    • Predictive Text (Rudy)
      • Predictive text ported from Android landed for testing/demo (Rudy)
      • We are going to have a native version of predictive text engine for performance improvement
    • HVGA supprot ready for keyboard
    • Fix dictionary license problem in Japanese IME (Wenbin)
    • pull request #1536 #1660 (Wenbin)
    • syntax analysis (Wenbin)
    • scroll on alternatives (Salva)
    • test cases for Keyboard
    • interaction changes
    • issue on overflowing interactive content (Salva & Vivien)

I have disconnected to vidyo at least three times, so please skip my part :) Localization & Internationalization (Fabien, Casey, Larissa, Staś)

  • Notifications (Etienne, Josh, Carlo, Rafael)

-> Visuals

  • Blocked on

-> Visuals

  • This week:
    • Etienne reiterated thumbs up to current approach. Proceed with visual design and loop Etienne in (he will do eventual implementation)
    • Josh: will send out updated document showing how we could handle display of App name + App icon.
    • Pull request sent for the finalized UX pieces (toaster, swipe to clear) and magic counter, just waiting for the visuales
    • Over weekend new information came in. Effects what we can do.
    • Josh working on this week (see "Notification finalization" thread), mainly with Etienne, Tim, to determine what can be done.
    • User configuration: need to determine what level for v1.

Security (?, Lucas, Josh, Cjones) Settings [Moved under Apps]

  • Status Bar
    • Blocked: platform support on probing status, e.g., audio/camera. Github and Bugzilla issues fired.
    • need to confirm SMS sent icon transition with Josh
  • System Updater
  • Fullscreen Support
    • issue no keyboard for fullscreen applications
  • Screenshot capability. (Press Home and Sleep buttons at the same time) Ask djf for details.

This will be fixed by Waiting on code review and the matching gecko patch to land.

Visual Design

Visual Design: Graphics (Patryk)

  • App Icons will be delivered today
  • All graphics should be done (except for common controls), monitoring github for bugs more actively now

Visual Design: Misc (Patryk)

  • Font will likely be delayed for v.2
  • Sound design vendor starting this week
  • Wallpapers: We should have some wallpapers chosen in the next week or so

Supporting Components (Steve from TEF)

  • Form Elements
  • Dialog Elements
  • System Styling
  • Content Permissions
  • Activities (Intents)

Hopefully Steve can close down on most of these this week.

User Docs & Support

This week:

  • Sent documentation plan to wider audience for feedback, thanks to Larissa for reviewing! Incorporated changes and working on interactions, UA detection, and app plans with UX & SUMOdev
  • Response back from execs and TEF is to model Android level2 support strategy
  • Some possible contact with Vivo, next meeting with TEF is Thursday to review their latest proposal for level1-3 support (last week was cancelled last-minute)
  • Testing on Otoro and filing issues in github

Last week:

  • Quick re-plan and costing for new proposal to handle level 2 support on SUMO
  • Documentation draft work continuing, getting emulators running on Mac so far, need instructions for Windows
  • Set up simple discussion forums for English and Portuguese on SUMO
  • Finalized job req for helpdesk support rep with pt-BR language skills
  • Reaching out ot pt-BR Mozilla community and planning support readiness kickoff meeting